Hollowed Heart

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Morning arrived far too soon for my liking.

We cannot rest peacefully for the night.

Yuto suddenly screaming in middle of the night and was about to hurt himself before we manage to snap him out of it. A truly horrible nightmare that must be feels like reality.

Not that I blame him.

I have nightmare of my own.

(Everyone is card.

Too late too late cannot be fast enough not strong enough

I was alone

Everyone I know and cherish are gone)

He cannot fall asleep until I agree to wake him up again if he did something like that.

Thankfully, it was one time thing and he seemingly forgot about his nightmares.

Keyword: seemingly.

He stares off at distance but put it aside if someone talks to him.

Must be holding it all inside. That bad habit of his. Shouldering all the problem until he can't take it anymore. There are reasons why I was quick to throw punch, and his habit of bottling up emotions is one of it.

(Other reason includes in how many boys hitting on my sister even when she explicitly said No.

Or bullying Yuto because he is the only boy who can get close to Ruri without I ready to break some bones)

It was little jarring for Yuzu to go into the bathroom and get out wearing one of Ruri's old outfit. One that survive the attacks at the old base, for whatever reason out there.

Her resemblance to Ruri is uncanny. I almost think she is Ruri, who just cut her hair short, dyed it pink, and put contact lenses on.

Then I focused with how she moves, how she talks and behaves, and realize, despite their similarities, Yuzu is not Ruri and will never be her.

She's too tomboy. Not as bad as Serena had been, but still boyish compares to Ruri's ladylike charm. Ruri would stare at you with disappointment palpable and never raises her voice (that's my role). Her anger is the cold sort. Yuzu has no qualms on using rolled up paper as makeshift blunt weapon and she can and will yell at you if you anger her enough.

Small quirks.

But helped me a lot in differentiating them.

Our day begin with breakfast.

Sayaka was the one who handed our rations. I make sure to thanking her for treating us fairly, since we get the same portion as others. Knowing the distrusted gaze towards us, that I can feel on my back, I know for sure, had it been anyone else, they might reduce the portion or even refused to serve us.

And if we try to raise a stink over it?

Might as well leave the place and going rogue.

(I'm sorry for leaving. I don't know it would happen. Had I known I would delay my departure. It was not my fault they choose that particular day to launch an assault. I don't have precognitive power!

I care dammit, I care a lot!)

Neither Shiunin or Yuzu complains about the rations.

Good. Because complains just going to make situation worse for us.

The first week after Invasion, everyone drop their social status. Those who are used to high class meal had to eat whatever everyone else eat. We don't accept picky eater. Either suck it up or don't eat and be liability. No in between. Any food you find must be shared with others. Hoarder get hostile treatment since everyone are struggling.

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