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(No one's POV)

As Y/N was about to be killed, her wings flew out of the case, and went to find Y/N. At the wings, there was a bright glowing light that blinded everyone. As the light kept glowing, Y/N's wings spread wide, showing its shiny raven color.


I opened my eyes and saw that everything was white. I looked around but nothing was there until a glowing ball of light appeared. I shield my eyes and saw a figure. I uncover my eyes and saw a beautiful woman with gorgeous raven wings. She looks exactly like me but older.

"Hello, younger me."

I was shocked.

"You are me... but older?"

"Yes, I don't have much time but, you need to keep fighting, don't give up so soon."

"There's no point in fighting. Everyone has been lying to me!"

"I know but it was for your safety. I felt the same when I was your age but I realized that they did it because they love me, especially Aizawa."

I looked at her puzzled.

"Aizawa as in Mr. Aizawa?"

She nods and smiles.

"There's a lot that you don't know yet but I'll let him tell you later."

She grabs my hands and placed her forehead on mine.

"You still have a lot to learn and I want you to keep going."

She kisses my forehead and everyone gets brighter. I opened my eyes and saw a lot of dust and something heavy on my back. I looked behind me and saw the same wings as the older me. I guess she was me. I looked around and saw everyone. They were all shocked.


I looked and saw Okimoto.

"No no no no!"

He slams his fist onto the ground.

"This was not supposed to happen!"

He gets up and had a device in his hand. He presses the button and it sets off a bomb that was inside the building. The warehouse started crumbling, and I used my wings to get some people out of there. I grab as many people as I can and headed out of the warehouse. I placed them near some of the other police and went back inside. I saw some other pros and quickly grabbed them too. I went back outside and mainly saw everyone outside. I was still flying when I felt someone on me. I saw that it was Okimoto and he dragged me back inside the warehouse. I got out of his grip and he lands on the ground.

"End this Okimoto! Look around you, your clan is lost."

He looks around and laughs.

"My clan has been lost for years now, this was just the icing on the cake!"

I looked for a way out and couldn't find one. I looked back and I see him with a gun in his hand. He shot and before I knew it, Mr. Aizawa jumped in front of me. I watched as he falls onto the floor in front of me. I pushed a bolder at Okimoto, knocking him out. I got down and turned Mr. Aizawa over. I saw that he was bleeding.

"Oh, my god. Mr. Aizawa!"

He was still conscious and looked at me. He smiled while I was crying. He reached for my cheek and wiped away some of my tears. I brought him onto my lap.

"You... you're as beautiful as the day that I lost you."

I moved his hair away from his face. He closed his eyes and his hand went limp. My face dropped and I placed my hand on his cheek.

"No... no, no, no! Please, don't die."

The roof of the ware house was falling and I covered the both of us.

(Aizawa's POV)

I opened my eyes and saw a kid running. I watch as the kid was running toward a woman. She picks him up and they turned towards me. The woman was Y/N and she looked happy. She looked at the boy and then back at me. A person passed through me and they walked up to Y/N. They looked at the boy and smiled. He slightly turned and I saw that it was me. They both walked together away and everything was starting to fade out. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a room. I lifted my head and saw that I was in the hospital. I looked to my sides and saw Hizashi. He was awake and saw me.

"Oh thank god you're awake."

"How long was I out for?"

"A week."

I didn't say anything for a moment.

"What happened?"

"You ran back inside the warehouse to go get Y/N and the building collapsed on you guys. Luckily, you two survived when Y/N covered the both of you with her wings."

I thought about what happened and remembered everything. I felt my face getting hot.



"Nothing... Wait, where's Y/N?"

He looked away and then back at me.

"She's in critical condition. She had internal bleeding from the beating that she received and from the battle. She lost a lot of blood and has a conclusion. She's alive but unconscious."

I immediately got out of bed.

"Hey, where are you going?!"

"I'm going to see Y/N."

"No! You need to rest and you are not in any condition to move."

I want to go see Y/N but, I couldn't feel my legs. I sigh and went back into bed. As I got back, the door opened and I saw my students.


They all came in like a flood and trampled over Hizashi.

"You're awake!"

I sighed.

"Yes, I'm awake, sadly."

"We brought you something that you might like."

Koda brought a small cat from the inside of his sweater. He placed it on my lap and it was purring. I lightly stroked it and looked at them.

"Thank you."

They all smiled and told me about everything that's been happening this past week. Visiting hours were over and everyone left. Hizashi was the last one that stayed behind.

"I'll keep you updated about Y/N's condition."

I nod and watched Hizashi leave. It was getting late and felt my eyes getting heavy.

Come Back to Me (Aizawa x Student reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang