💚❤️Promises to treat you right❤️💚

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Alhaitham POV:


It was a boringly average Friday night. Kaveh had just headed out, so I suppose thats the best thing that could happen. Yet what would I do if I couldn't tease or make fun of him? Hah. Kidding, I have many books to read now his loud ass isn't here, pardon the language.. but boy can he raise his volume. I grabbed this new book I had recently bought at the library near the local cafe in summer. Pretty nice stuff I must say. Its not everyday you get to read in peace as the scribe.

This new book was called 'Tales of the Traveler' by.. 'Yae publishing house'. Normally im not a fan of these 'fan-fiction' books, however, all of us do owe the traveler credit for helping save Sumeru. I removed my headphones, placing them on the coffee table beside me. Its nice to hear things without Kaveh going on about debt or his work constantly. I grabbed my reading glasses, putting them on, shuffling the book under my chest as I flicked to the first page.

4 hours later

Hm? What.. what was I just doing? No no. What page was I on?.. Oh, I seem to have fallen asleep. But why did I wake up just no-
Hm? My phone? Whys it buzzing like as crazy as Cyno gets whenever he beats me on his.. 'winning streak' in Genius Invocation TCG. I doubt what im being texted has anything concerning me. But.. whatever. I have to do what a scribe would do. Turning on my phone.. almost made me go blind, I forgot to turn my brightness down.

All these spam messages were from Tighnari. What would he possibly want texting me like crazy? I'll just see what he says. 'Alhaitham, pick up the phone you stone faced bitch' Okay, wow, thanks. 'Alhaitham, you need to get him don't ignore me just because you 2 princesses argue like the Kardashians on those poorly edited reality shows.' Okay, double wow, and this 'him' is making me have a feeling of who he means. 'Alhaitham, please pick up already, I cant carry both Cyno and Kaveh at once, and Kaveh hasn't stopped crying ever since he found a photo of you on his phone after his 8th drink.' Ah, okay, so instead of insulting me numerous times, he could have simply told me Kaveh is heavily drunk, wow, feeling the love in this city. I suppose I should respond.

A: No need to spam more. I'll head over.
T: God, thank you.
T: I was about to rip my tail off.
A: I'd love to see that, hah.
A: Now, where are you?
A: And how many drinks has Kaveh had.
T: Were just at Lambads Tavern, and he's had maybe 13?
A: Good lord, my day was going good to, be there in 10.

Kaveh, Kaveh. Always making me come get you. Another day of being a scribe 😒. I took off my glasses, placing my headphones back on. Grabbing my- pfft, our keys, and walking out. Before you ask, YES im wearing shoes, do I look mentally intolerant to you? Unless your Kaveh, you'd say no. Weirdly enough. Even at almost 12 at night.. or 'morning' the streets were busy, and crowded. I dislike loud and crowded places, which is normally why I don't go to events with Kaveh.. which now I think of it, he never actually asked me to go along with him. Its not like I would've said yes.. but still, couldn't hurt for him to have asked to go out with him. As roommates. You know, roommate stuff? Like paying for his rent.

Seems they were closing at 12 regardless. Good thing I wasted my time answering the texts then. As I headed inside.. nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. Cyno was making out with Tighnar while Tighnari was trying to hold Kavehs pants up. What. The. Fuck. Did I JUST walk into. Genuinely. Why is this my life.
"OH THANK GOD YOUR- Cyno dear, please stop- THANKGODYOURHERE." Tighnari said with the most distressed face.
"Hm, having fun it seems?" I said, teasing. Tighnari only rolled his eyes and LAUNCHED Kaveh at me. Luckily I was on guard to catch him.

💚❤️Kavetham Oneshots❤️💚Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora