Chapter 30~

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After watching his body fall to the ground, Brian dropped the sword, and wrapped his arms around me. I buried my head in his shoulder and he kissed my neck.

"It's over...It's finally over." He said, sighing.

That's when I remembered Sheri, and got back on the ground with her. Brian followed, and she was still breathing.

"You did it...You boys did it." She said, smiling, her teeth and lips stained with blood. She coughed and Brian said "Hey hey, take it easy."

She sighed and said "I wish I could be there to see that baby when it's born...That's what I wanted since I found out he was pregnant."

Brian sighed and said "This is my fault..I should've stopped him-"

"Hey now kid, don't blame yourself..Besides..Death isn't too bad.."

"Where will we go? Who will help us when the baby comes?"

I asked, looking at Brian worried.

She swallowed and said "My..My mother...My mother, she lives just past the mountains..With your speed, you'll be there in no time...She already knows about you...She waiting for you..."


"Because when a natural witch is dying, their mother can feel it...They can feel their energy grow brighter, before they go out...She'll take care of you both...She'll deliver the baby.."

"Sheri don't go, please." Brian begged, taking her hand in his. She smiled and said "You've always been a sweet boy, Brian..I could tell you were special....But I have to go..My place on this earth is finished...I need to let my soul free..."

A tear rolled down his cheek and he kissed her hand. "Okay." She smiled and looked at me, before she looked back at him. "Take care of each other..And that baby...I have...I have one more thing..."

"What is it?" He asked, squeezing her hand tight.

"Promise me..Promise me, you'll burn my body...Let nature turn my soul into something beautiful."

We both nodded and he said "We promise."

She closed her eyes and said "Good."

I watched as her chest slowly rose and fell, before it stopped. And when it stopped, I couldn't hold the tears back anymore.

I looked at Brian and he was crying. Brian brushed her hair out of her face, and hugged her limp body against his chest.


I put the last of the flowers on Sheri's funeral Pyre, and walked up to Brian. He was brushing Sheri's hair, and had changed her out of her bloody clothes.

He looked up at me and I said "All finished." I smiled a little at him and he nodded. He looked down at Sheri and pointed at the lavender colored silk dress he put on her.

"She told me this was her favorite dress...I figured it would be nice for her..."

I nodded and said "That's very thoughtful."

He looked up at me and smiled. Our eyes were red and puffy from crying, and neither of us slept the rest of the night. It was early in the morning, and the sun started rising.

"Do you think your charm will still work, now that Sheri's..."

He nodded and said "Yeah, I think so...Looks like we'll just have to wait."

I was worried, because if it didn't, he would die.

We watched as the sun poked out from the trees, and Brian was still here. He grabbed my hand and laced his fingers through them. I looked over at him and he said "It still works."

I smiled and hugged him. He hugged me back and kissed the top of my head. When we broke the hug, he kissed me and said "Come on...We have a promise to carry out."

I nodded and we gently carried Sheri's frail body, to the Pyre. We gently laid her down on the bed of hay and flowers, and I smoothed her hair out.

I grabbed a bouquet of flowers I picked for her, and handed them to

Brian. He gently placed the bouquet in her hands like a bride on her wedding day.

He walked over until he was looking down at her face, leaned down, and gently kissed her on her forehead.

"We'll free your soul Sheri...Just as we promised you, we would."

He walked into the cottage and came back with a lit candle. He put the flame against the hay, and the Pyre lit up.

We stepped back, and blew the candle out. He stood beside me, and wrapped his arm around me. He kissed my temple, and I laid my head on his shoulder. We watched as the fire grew higher, until there was nothing left. The fire died out, and the black smoke had faded to white.

I sighed and said "I'm gonna miss her."

"Me too...She was like a second mother to me...Come on, let's get to her mothers house-"

"Brian wait.."

He looked at me confused and asked "What? What is it?"

I pointed towards the Pyre and said "Look."

His gaze followed mine to the pole of ashes, and we watched as a single red rose, grew and bloomed from the ashes.

That was Sheri's soul...It was a sign of faith...A sign of hope for the future ahead.


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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