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Ash & August start running home in the pouring rain.
Ash starts laughing while they dance together.
They were so focused they never realized how close they were. As the soldier spun the poet, they both stopped and they both stared at eachother. Ash and August felt something. They got closer and closer. August leaned in, putting his hand around his waist. Ash leaned in aswell. they kissed. Ash looked at him.
" i was going to say at the resteraunt, i love you." Ash said.
"i know, and so do i." the soldier said as he started to smile.
Ash's face started to turn red. He didnt know what to say. He looked at the time on the big clock behind them, it was 12:00.
"i.. i have to go." he says.
"do you want me to walk you home?" August asks.
"No, thats alright. have a good night, lover." Ash says and then walks away.
August turned red, and frozen. He started walking home.
Ash after a few minutes from walking, started screaming on the inside, jumping. he controls himself and continues walking home. When he got home, he lays down on his bed, thinking..( Oh.. what handsome man.. Oh! Control yourself, Asher! Your on your knees for this man!)

not august being a rizzler 💀

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