Chapter eight

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Oh man, I couldn't believe I was actually going on a date with Sid.. or that he liked me all this time, when I found that note he wrote for me I smiled while I read it in my bed this guy, he turned from the most annoying guy ever to just.. an amazing man.

"So where are we going first?" I asked him as he stared at the rode, "Well, first I was thinking ice cream and then the beach." He said and I looked outside, the the sun hadn't gone down yet but it was almost there.

We came up to a beach and he parked the car in the parking lot, we both got out of the car and I just looked around it was beautiful I was glad that before we came here I put a really cute sun dress on and Sid put swim trunks on and a button down white shirt, he looked really great, we entertwined fingers and walked around it kinda felt weird though to hold his hand but I smiled and felt my blush coming on.

"Feel weird?" Sid asked and I nodded and giggled, "Yeah, I'm just so use to getting annoyed with you.. I guess I just never felt this way before." I told him as we walked to a ice cream shop by the beach, we wlaked up to the counter and made our order, after I got a frozen yogurt and Sid got himself an oreo ice crea, we then walked back to the beach sat down in the sand.

"When did you start liking me?" I asked him and he looked at me and smiled, "When I first met you, you were so beautiful and when Kassie was born she looked as beautiful as you are." He told me and I couldn't help but blush.

"It's nice to know you like Kassie." I told him and he grabbed my hand and entertwined our fingers, "I don't like her, Nina, I love Kassie.. I love you both." He said and it made my heart flutter

"You know, when Kassie was born Andrew wanted full custody.. he even came down to the hospital and tried to take her.." I said feeling tears come to my eyes but I couldn't cry, my make up would smudge and I couldn't cry in front of Sid.

"Well, I'm glad he didn't take her and Nina, I will never let anyone take Kassie away." He said taking my hands in his and I hugged him tightly, he hugged me too.

I stopped hugging him and stared into his beautiful eyes green eyes, I slowly started to lean in as did he and finally our lips met, it was like a hunger had over come my body and I deepened the kiss but.. to destory that feeling I heard clicks, I opened one of my eyes and looked, there was a group taking pictures of both Sid and I, we looked and got up then made a run for it, we ran to his car and sped away.

"So much for a romantic evening." I said and laughed, I looked back, paparazzi were all getting in there cars but they didn't follow us, "No kidding, stupid paparazzi." Sid said and I turned back, Sid drove us to the edge of a Cliff, there we watched the stars from the car.

"It's beautiful Sid." I said staringat all the stars that were in the sky, "I know, I have been wanting to take you here for a long time." Sid told me and I looked at him and put my hands on his cheeks and than moved up so my lips were close to his.

"And I have been wanting to finish this for awhile." I told him then crashed my lips onto his, this time he deepend the kiss, I didn't want this to ever end he was such a great kisser, but he pulled away and we looked into each others eyes he looked into mine with love and I returned it with the same look of.. love.

"Nina.. I love you.. so much." He said breathing heavy and then we crashed our lips onto each other again, this time we didn't hunger for each other as muchit was more of a softer kiss.. we let go of each other and turned back to look at the stars while our fingers intertwined.

"Sid, this night has been amazing." I told him keeping my eyes on the stars, "I know, so what do you say? Am I worthy enough to be Nina Fehn's boyfriend?" He asked and I giggled and nodded.

"I think your worthy enough." I said and Sid started the car, "They will probably be wondering where we are." Sid said and I giggled, this night was just.. amazing.

"We should probably go and pick up some stuff for lunch and supper." I said as Sid drove, I was starting to get a little bit tired after the date I was tired of running from paparazzi.

Sid finally found a parking spot in the grocery store parking lot and I started to unbuckle my seat belt, "Did you need me to come in with you?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Only if you want to." I told him and he also undid his seat belt, we walked hand in hand into the grocery store, some people stared and some just went on with shopping first Sid and I went down the bread isle.

"What kind of bread do you like?" I asked him looking at all the breads that were there I was focused on the white bread though, he pointed to the white smart bread and I grabbed it we then went to other isles a few people came up to us asking Sid for autographs or pictures.

After the grocery store we drove back to the tour bus, the lights were still on and Corey was outside.. I didn't know weather to be thankful or not.

"How was your date?" Corey asked and I blushed, Sid held my hand as we walked over to him, "It was really good, how was it here?" Sid asked and Corey shrugged sighing, "It was good, the kids were good ya know." He said

"We'er gonna go inside now, you coming?" I asked him and he nodded, "Yeah, oh I tucked in Kassie for you." Corey said and I mouthed a thank you to him and he nodded, both Sid and I walked into the tour bus to find everyone was alseep, we both went into look for Kassie and Griffen who were both asleep in their bunks, Sid put his arm around my waist as we watched Kassie sleep.

"I'm going to go to bed now." Sid said and I kissed his cheek, I then took my pajamas and walked into the bathroom to change into them I wore a purple shirt and pink long pajama bottoms, they had the play boy bunny on them once I put them on I brushed my teeth and then walked out to my bed.

Tonight was amazing, I will never forget this night and hopefully when and if the guys find out they will be ok with this.. especially Chris, he is almost always unsure about guys I date everytime I do he knows something will happen between us espeically with Andrew but Chris and Sid were pretty good buddies so I hope Chris didn't mind and that he wouldn't feel the same way as the others.

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