Chapter 4

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'Tony totally has a crush on you.' Tegan said as she fussed over Bri's hair.

Tegan lived with Jack so to avoid killing him out of anger she spent the night at Bri's. It was today that she would be starting her job as Tony Stark's secretary.

'I'd rather a dead raccoon like me than that over confident prick.' Bri said bitterly.

Tegan gasped.


'You've been spending to much time with Steve.' Bri said with an eye roll.

She walked out of her room and down to the kitchen. On days that Tegan didn't work she made her own coffee.

'Now, you're free to stay here as long as you want but if I catch you and Steve sucking each others faces off I'm going to kick you out.' Bri said sipping her coffee.

Tegan giggled and pushed Bri out of the house.

'Good luck at work, Mrs Stark.'

Bri flipped her off before walking to her new car. Being so used to taking a cab to work everyday she almost walked passed the car until Jarvis started it and honked the horn at her.

'Almost forgot about that, Jarvis.' She said smiling as she buckled her seat belt.

'Understandable, Miss De Mel.' He said in his strangely human-like voice.

She drove to the extravagant tower across New York. It wasn't hard to tell that she made it to the right place because of the fact that STARK was plastered in large flashing letters on the side of the building. She parked the car and got out.

'Hello, I'm here to start my job.' She said to the woman at the front desk.

Bri pondered to herself about why she was given a secretary job if there were three already on the ground floor.

'Miss De Mel? Mr Stark is waiting for you on the twenty third floor.' The red head said with a giggle.

Bri nodded and gave her thanks before going to the elevator. By the looks on the secretary's faces when they brought up Tony she could tell that he'd already gotten them into bed. The elevator dinged open and she stepped out.

'Lovely as always, Miss De Mel.' Tony said taking her hand and giving it a kiss.

'As always? I'm pretty sure the first time you noticed me was yesterday, Mr Stark.' She said smirking.

'Miss De Mel, I always notice.' He said with a wink.

She blushed slightly but regained her composer. Bri was determined not to become just one of the girls he got to sleep with. She wanted to find someone who loved her and not become the town whore.

'This entire area is yours. Jarvis is here if you need anything and I'll be right through that door.' Tony said strutting around the glamours penthouse.

'Mr Stark, what am I-' She began before he shut the door.

'Miss De Mel, Mr Stark would like you to contact Mr Fury with the updates on the Hydra links.' Jarvis said.

Bri rolled her eyes but followed her orders. New job yet she was still just dealing with Hydra links.


'Who's there?' Tegan asked as a knock came from the door.

'It's Steve!' They called back.

Tegan felt her stomach lurch. She'd thought Steve was flawless the first time she saw him but getting to see how kind and sweet he was made her adapt a slight crush. Now that she wasn't tied down to Jack she was free to date whoever she wanted and she was ready to go for it the minute Steve showed interest in her.

'What are you doing here?' She asked with a smile as she opened the door.

'I thought you might still be bummed about yesterday so I brought some ice cream, chocolate and old movies.' He said showing the items in his arms.

She smirked and welcomed him inside. He made himself at home and plopped down on the couch.

'So, this is Bri's house?' He asked raising his brows.

'Yeah, she spent so much on the house she had to take a cab to work everyday.' Tegan said plopping down next to him.

He smirked and opened one of the tubs of ice cream.

'At least now she's got herself a billionaire boyfriend.'

Tegan laughed and pushed him playfully. Steve grabbed one of the spoons that Tegan had brought over and scooped up the ice cream holding it out for her to eat. She was about to take the bite when he changed the direction of the spoon and fed himself. She gasped and hit him with a pillow while he melted in a fit of laughter.

'Fury would kill me if he found out I'm eating this junk.' Steve said smirking.

'He doesn't need to know.' Tegan whispered.

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