The Signs

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They were all shown up on the terrace of the building October and hutch leaning against the rails while jennet was sitting in swinks lap after finally calming her down eyed still red from crying.before Abigail is shown walking over to hutch and October "are you okay"she asked him softly as they both turn towards her as she leans against the rail.

Hutch stands back up with a sign as Abigail handed out something to drink"I'm just having a hard know"he says as he takes the drink from her.

"Yeah"she nods understanding while October pats hutch on the shoulder in comfort before she turns to Abigail"so Abigail what's your story we don't know much about you, other than you've got poor bladder control and can't gain for shit"October says with a smile.

"Well I grew up in Georgia. My dad's in architect and my mom's a kindergarten school teacher. I'm going to Princeton in the fall."she explained every so often she would glance hutch as he and October smile while nodding their heads."sounds like you've got a perfect little family back home".

Abigail let's out a small smile"I don't know about perfect."she says honestly with a shrug.

October is then shown with a cigarette in her mouth fixing to light it forgetting the siblings head a small fear with fire swink sees this so he runs his fingers through her hair to distract her but hutch sees the flame coming out of the lighter as flashes from a memory of him as a little body as his house burns with flames.before hutch shakes his head. Away from the memory "ahh"causeing October to realize that she takes the cigarette out of her mouth and closes the lighter while Abigail rubs his shoulder in comfort."sorry ,I'm sorry"she apologizes as hutch leans back against the rail.

"Are you alright"Abigail asked him worried.

"Yeah. Me and my sister got a thing with fire it's a long story no big deal"he says with a shrug as they all go silent while Abigail stands up away from the rail as she bites her finger but October notice "what's up"she asked hutch since he had this look on his face as everyone turns to him."finding Miller's body in the game..."he says as jennet looks at her brother worried.

"Look I'm no gamer but there are only so many ways you could die in a video game it's all just really bad timing"Abigail explains that she looked at them.

"Not really in a sense, the timing is bad because he over-responds to death. But The coincidence of finding Miller's game body and his real body was perfect. That's why we're freaked out."swink explained while take his hat off as jennet was deep in thought about what he just said.

Back inside the Cafe phin is shown walking with his laptop to a table"it's better in single player anyway. Dick heads"he says as he sets down while sitting the laptop on the table in front of him as he grabbed his controller before the screen is shown of his character running around a dark road fog all around before a rumbling of hooves is heard as leafs start to blow rapidly by his character before it stops all of sudden before his character runs behind a tree as he he shown pressing on his controller before the screen is shown ounce again.his character is shown pulling out a mirror as his reflection is shown as rumbling vibration can be heard"all right countess,let's go."he says as his character angles the mirror before a black horse drawn carriage is shown in the mirror before it cracks"there you are.oh you hate mirrors.i forgot"he says as he turned the mirror over but this time it doesn't crack as the carriage gets closer"oh you can't break this one"before a horse is heard neighing that echos around him as he paused the game looking around.

Back on the terrace"maybe timing had nothing to do with it maybe it was inevitable possible homicidal replication on a psychopathic level "as jennet shares a look with her brother before she gets up off swink as he and jennet start to heard to the door."where are you guys going"October asked as the siblings stop"Loomis and his friends were playing that video game the night they died hours before. Now Miller"hutch explained as him and his sister share a look before she turns to the others"what are the chances of all of them being murdered right after playing that game"she says thinking about what has happened the past 2 days before she and hutch Walk back inside as they descend down the stairs with the others following.

"Hutch.jennet come on sweeties you both have got to relax"October says stopping them by the arms as they go down the second set of stairs."it's just bad timing"Abigail as she and swink look at them both worried along with October.

"Like swink said maybe timing has nothing to do with it."hutch says as he and his sister countie back down the stairs with the others following "did I say that? I have a penchant for big theories don't listen to me"swink says as he follows after them.soon they are all shown running down the side walk around the building to the front of the coffee shop.

Soon phin is shown slouched over as they all rush in "Phineas! Phin oh my God!"hutch says as he and his sister run over panting worried before seeing he was okay "what are you doing"jennet asked panting while phin sits back up with a long red bong as he is getting high soon they all let out sigh of relief while October smiles at the siblings.

Phin then pulls the bong away from his mouth as he takes a deep breath "I'm pulling this bitch what's it look like what are you doing"he retorted blowing out a lot of jennet just blanky stares at him before walking away takeing a seat as swink sits by her rubbing her shoulders to calm how down.hutch sighs "what if Loomis and miller "he goes to say only for phin to finish his sentence "was more than a coincidence? They both play the game and then they died so... Obviously the game killed them right"phin sums up before looking at hutch"are you serious man? Listen to yourself"while Jennet just shares a look with her before before hutch looks at phin"phin"October says to her brother.

Phin then sits back up in his chair "I was ready to buy it anyway check this mirror I found"he explains as he points to his laptop as they all look at the mirror"I flipped it the back works like a mirror but it won't break like the other ones I think it's made out of polished silver I don't know. you guys don't have one"he explains as he gets out of his chair before swink takes a seat as he looks at it.

Phin then turns to hutch"you've been through a lot and I love you, but you're freaking everyone out now "he says to hutch who nods"I know.yeah"before phin then walks over to jennet where she was setting before crutching down "hey look I love you like a sister and I'm sorry for being a dick about what I said earlier"he apologizes to her as jennet gives him a small smile before hugging him around the shoulders.

Soon swink and jennet were working around his computer they were trying to fix something.phin is then shown trying to fix something on his car."nice."then October was shown cleaning the coffee makes and expresso makers.while hutch was at his and his sister's apartment shaking as he was shown shaving his neck with a razer as water is heard from the faucet you could see the burn scares on his right back shoulder blade his sister has one to on her left foot when she tried to save her brother from the fire but her foot had gotten caught in the flames.

Soon swinks key board is shown with blood slowly oozing out of it.october was still cleaning the expresso makers before starring at a frightening sign of dead girl as she screeched before she whirls around not seeing anybody there as she breathes heavily.back with phin who is still working on something in his car when all of sudden the sound of a horse neighing it goes around him causing him to freeze as it gets louder as he pulls his upper half back out the car only to shout when a hug truck speeds by a the trucks horn blow loudly as he leans backs against his car breaking heavy swink and jennet where rubbing there faces from how tired they were not realizing blood was on there face until jennet pulls her hands away and screams at the sight of blood on her hands as swink stares in horror at his as he and jennet jump back from the computer in fright.hutch is then shown slowly looking up at the mirror as his eyes roll back into his head as a screeching is heard before the mirror cracks snapping him out of it as he looks around breathing heavily before seeing the mirror unbroken.october stands there for a moment before going back to what she doing.phin is shown still breathing heavily before slowly leaning off his car. Swink and jennet are now staring at there non bloody hands in shock as they share looks with one another breathing heavily.

before he types in something in his computer perceptive reality as they both look at the screen 

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