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"NO SHOVE IT JOHNATHAN!" Adrienne growled at her brother in his attempt to talk to her calmly.

"Adrienne just listen to me!" Johnathan protested chasing his sister throughout their house in a frantic.

"Listen to what? How could you possibly explain the fact you and Nancy Wheeler are screwing each other. The girl that I felt I couldn't help but compare myself to, for fucksake Johnathan, she and Steve got me to my breaking point." Adrienne painfully scoffed at her brother, her voice cracking at every word in which her pain allowed her to lash out.

"Can you let me explain first Adrienne, god, stop jumping to conclusions!"

"Conclusions...WHAT FUCKING POSSIBLE CONCLUSIONS JOHNATHAN?" You're my goddam brother! You're supposed to be on my fucking side!" Adrienne throat tightened at her words, the scorching burn of her hurt now exposing itself.

Adrienne quickly threw her arms up in defense and stormed out her house, not looking back at her name being called by her brother, she walked, and walked allowing her legs to take control of her leading her to god knows where.


Nightfall approached sooner then expected for Adrienne, not wanting to go home whatsoever but had no where else to go, her eyes glistened at the sight of a dimly lit phone booth, approaching it with gratitude she entered willingly to dial the number she could only possibly care to remember.

"Hello?" The sweet familiar voice of Max echoed throughout the phone.

Max and Adrienne had given each others number the day she came and surprised Billy and forced him for lunch, a protective measure in case he ever was mean to Max or stuff being rough for her at home, in return Adrienne told her she was always able to call her no matter the situation.

"Hey little Red." Adrienne smiled through the phone hoping Max remembered the nickname she owned.

"Adri? Hi. Are you okay? Did Billy do something?" Max frantically questioned her in hopes of an answer.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay, beside being an asshole he didn't do anything, I just uh, listen is Billy home?" Adrienne hesitated at her words as she quietly spoke into the phone.

"Yes and no, he's been moody all day he left a couple hours ago but hasn't came back."

"Do you think I can maybe crash there for the night, I'll explain to you if I'm able too I just don't want him to know I'm there, more like a secret sleepover between me and you?"

"My lips are sealed and my window will be open for you."

"I owe you my life red." Adrienne chuckled lightly putting the phone back onto the hook, immediately making her way towards the house she was somehow relieved to be heading to.


Adrienne was shocked at how quickly she found her way, especially walking, to Billy's, she took a deep inhalation of breath to calm herself as she noticed Billy's car was nowhere to be seen, but the sight made her stomach to turn wondering why he wasn't home.

She crept slowly towards the room with a dim lamp shining through its curtain, she peeked her head up to see Max doing homework as she pushed the window open making Max jump as she quickly tumbled her way inside, tripping on the edge of the windowsill forcing Adrienne to tumble onto the floor.

"You see, this ISN'T what we do when we sneak into peoples houses, which you aren't allowed to do until you're 30." Adrienne groaned as she helped herself from the floor, dusting herself off.

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