Chapter 17

201 7 6

February 13, 2023 Words: 1312

Sorry if I haven't updated for so long T.T I got way too busy! Please forgive me :'(

!Unedited Chapter!

"Yeojin? You're not eating. Are you okay?" Yerim asked the girl who seems to be out of the world at the moment. Yeojin slowly looks up and smiled slightly at Yerim. The older girl is worried. Yeojin has been trying to make herself  busy with work too much that she was barely home. She knows why but she just can't find the right time to talk to her about it.

Yeojin just gave her a reassurance smile before standing up, "I'm going to my office, just come in if you need anything." She said before leaving, Yerim frown before sighing.

The younger girl has been distant with her and with everyone ever since Hyeju passed away and she felt very worried and sad. She knows Yeojin is very cheerful and very talkative but when that day happened it's like all her energy and outgoing personality has been pulled with it too. She barely smile, she barely laugh, or even communicate, if it's not about work, she won't even utter a word. It worries Yerim so much.

Yeojin has been so close with Hyeju ever since she was born, they've been together since then, side by side and they're almost inseparable. Losing Hyeju must've took a great toll in Yeojin's life.

"Unnie." Yerim entered Haseul's office and is greeted back with a worried look after seeing Yerim looking all troubled. It was very rare to see Yerim in this mood. "Is everything alright? Did my sister hurt you??" Yerim shakes her head and smiled slightly at the girl before taking a sit, "It's just about Yeojin." Haseul raised a brow before sighing, she knew what it's about Hyeju. Yeojin can never dwell on someone important to her passing away, the girl would either disappear for time or she would lock herself away from others and would keep herself busy till she finally feels like herself again. She knows because Yeojin didn't handle their grandmother's death well and Yeojin would constantly be away from their house or she would lock herself in her room, refusing to go out nor to interact anyone.

Way Now Yerim is experiencing it and she feels bad, she knows how hard ggit's going to take Yerim to be nable to talk to Yeojin girl kgyr about it, the younger girl is very sensitive right now about it. Losing someone is not very easy to accept especially if it's someone close to you.

"Keep me posted." Yeojin placed down the phone before sighing. Her hands started typing vigorously, lips pursed, eyes moving left and right. She was too focused on her task and failed to notice a figure standing at her door,

"So are you going to keep yourself away from us or are going to talk and tell us what's happening to you?" She paused at her work upon hearing a very familiar voice before she went back to her work completely ignoring the girl who sigh and decided to enter the girl's den, "Step in one more time and I'm not going to hesitate to shoot you." Yeojin warned before she patiently pulled out a sheriff gun and placed it on the table. It didn't bother the person but it was a little surprising seeing Yeojin owning a gun.

It was very unusual of Yeojin to have a weapon like that. Where did she even got it from?

"Step out now." The figure didn't listen making Yeojin pissed. She stood up and unlocked the gun before pointing it at the figure, "Jung Hyunjin take one more step." Hyunjin halted on her step when Yeojin fired the gun but purposely missing her by an inch on her head. She was shock and a little bit shaken,

Jo Yeojin just fired a gun at her.

A buff security guard rushed in to Yeojin's office with a gun on his hands, "Mrs. Jo! Are you okay??" He pointed his gun towards Hyunjin who looked at him with a confuse face,

Yeojin lowered her gun before placing it on the table, "Take Ms. Jung out of here and no one is allowed to come here without my permission. Tell Yerim about it." She said as the guard nodded his head before walking towards Hyunjin who looked at him then to Yeojin with a unbelievable look. "Jo Yeojin you can't just push us out of your life!" She tried to talk to the girl but the bouncer already got a hold of her and forcefully pulled her out from the room,

"Jo Yeojin!" The door shut closed as the girl sighs in relief. She slumped on her chair before massaging her head. She can't believe she just did that either, but she was pissed and annoyed, she wanted to be alone, she didn't want anyone entering her space of peace.

Her phone rang as she picked it up to answer, "Hello?"

"Mrs. Jo, we found the people who killed Son Hyeju." She stood up abruptly and clenched her teeth, anger continues to rise. She finally found them and she's going to make sure they're going to pay for what they've done.

Yeojin sat on the chair, opposite to where a big man was sitting. His hands were tied by a large rope, he was clearly beat up, he was the first one that Yeojin is going to interrogate tonight and they will be killed if they don't answer her properly. "Why did you kill Son Hyeju?"

The man didn't answer making her pissed a little, his mouth opened before smirking,



Two men entered the room to dragged the dead man away before he was replaced by another alive one. This time it was a little smaller and tiny man, he looked a little worn off and tired after getting beaten up bad. Yeojin didn't care, she wants answers. "Why did you kill Son Hyeju?"

The man looked at her for a couple of seconds before looking away, "We were told to kill her and Jung Jinsoul. At first we're supposed to capture her and Park Jisung will deal with her first before killing her after." Yeojin lean back on her chair and crossed her arms, "Why actually killed her?" He noticed that she was about to blow his head out if he didn't say anything, he sighs and shakes his head, "I was patrolling around the area for any possible threats. I didn't get to see who actually put a bullet on her head." He closes his eyes before lowering his head, praying before he meets death.

Yeojin raised a brow, "Who was in charge of your group at that time?"

The man looked up at her, "I—"

"Full name."

He bit his lower lip and hesitated, she won't kill him right? "I will if you don't answer." She tapped the tip of the gun on her forehead signaling him that she will shoot him on the head leaving him with no choice.

"Who is it?"

"H-He wasn't in charge...but he's with Park Jisung and his father in that plan...he just appeared there and killed her himself.." He flinches before gulping nervously,


He doesn't want to die yet.

"Drink this." The girl looked at the cup in front of her and hesitantly took it before drinking it.

Another woman entered the room with a tray fill with food as she placed it on the table beside the bed, "The soup is still hot, drink it first." She said and smiled towards the girl who nodded slowly, "I'm glad you finally woke up. You have been out for a week, I got too worried." The other girl said and smiled at her,

"I'm Lee Chaeyeon and this is my wife Lee Sakura. What's your name?"

The girl furrowed her brows, Chaeyeon waited for her before the girl finally speak up,

She looked up away before opening her mouth

Cliffhanger? Bwahahahahaha

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