Leaf's current skills, equipment, stats, and companions

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Yes, Leaf will be getting more skills and stuff in future chapters.

——Skill explanation——

Leaf earns skills in an odd way, due to being under different rules. He can earn skills similar to how a player can, like how he learned Swimming from Sally and Barrier from a scroll. He can also learn new things by combining his skills and knowledge, or by absorbing items. But he is not capable of learning all skills or completely rewriting how a skill works.

Most of his skills also improve with time and effort. Constantly using a skill will either make it more effective or require less MP or effort to use. His skill experience level consists of 5 levels. Each level affects his efficiency and ability of his skills.

Beginner - The start of a new skill. Difficult for Leaf to use for since he's not sure how to use it or doesn't realize he has it. Uses extra MP or less effectiveness.

Intermediate - A basic understanding and is improved but still flawed. Skills have a chance to use extra MP or lose effectiveness.

Advanced - The middle ground of skill levels, Leaf can use a skill without issue at normal levels of MP and effectiveness. This is when it is possible for Leaf to tweak his skill.

Expert - Experienced with the skill allows Leaf to possibly improve or even develop new sub skills. Slight reduced cost of usage for skill if there is any.

Master - The highest level of a skill, Leaf knows everything about the skill and reduces the cost drastically and increases the effectiveness significantly.

When Leaf gets a skill to the next level, the best way to imagine how it feels is like something uploading information to his brain. And he doesn't create a skill from nothing. Leaf learns how to use his skill or knowledge in a way that could be seen as a sub skill.

——Skill list——

Flex Barrier (Advanced) - Creates a barrier that can be altered to different forms to protect Leaf or something nearby him. The skill Barrier was upgraded by the upgrade scroll, allowing the shape and size of Flex Barrier being limited to his imagination. If a barrier exists and he casts it again, it will reuse the MP of the previous barrier to make a new one. If dispelled, half of the MP will be refunded.

Chlorokinesis (Advanced) - The max level of plant control that Leaf is capable of getting with an upgrade scroll. Allows Leaf to control the plants around him without trouble. Leaf was gifted the skill Green hand by the necklace and the scroll upgraded it to Chlorokinesis as well as boosting it to advanced. It  allows him to not only control plants, but also alter and sprout new plants.

——Sub skills of Chlorokinesis——

Plant Modification (Advanced) - Leaf can alter a plant's traits to what he wishes. The more drastic the change, the more focus and MP required depending on skill level. (Ex. Leaf can have plants become taller to hide him from view or alter a tree and its roots to be as hard as steel)

Sprout (Advanced) - Leaf is able to grow plants quickly or even sprout new plants from nothing. Growing plants when he has seeds or plants nearby is easier than growing it from nothing. He can grow more plants to help on the battlefield and even revive dead plants, provided that his surroundings don't work against him. Consumes a chunk of MP and will use some of his HP as well if he is reviving a dead plant or making one from nothing.

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