❤️The famous one?|Kaminari

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This story will include, simping, most likely cursing, and probably some other things... Enjoy!

Written on- 02/15/2023-02/18/2023 |Number of words- 2260

Quirk= Dark Pixie: The user has fairy-like attributes and can create dust that causes sleepiness to manipulate their dreams. When strong negative emotions arise, the user's aura becomes dark and the negative emotion takes over affecting the user's thoughts and actions. (Example- When angry the anger drives the user to lash out and attack the person that caused the emotion.) Along with that, the user's eyes turn the color of the emotion. (Red=anger, Blue=Sadness, Green=Jelousy, Ect.

UA was a buzz. Everyone is collectively talking about a rumor going around. What's this Rumor you may ask? The theory is that UA will get a new student in class 1A. Not just any new student, her name is Y/n L/n, and she is a famous model, singer, and actor. No one knows her quirk as she has never used it around people. Not to mention her parents are Number One and Two on the hero ranks in America. The whole family is famous.

Kaminari's POV

Everyone was talking about someone coming to UA but every time I try to hear their name I miss it. I shrug and walk into class.

"Hey, guys who's this new kid I keep hearing about?" I ask and Mina looks at me excitedly.

"Omg Kaminari, you don't know yet?" Mina asks and I shake my head.

"Y/n L/n is coming to UA, at least that's the rumor circulating," Mina says excitement hits me but I hide it the best I can.

"Y/n L/n the famous one?" I ask and Mina nods.

"Thanks, Mina," I say and she nods. I sit with a slight smile on my face.

Eventually, everyone walked into the classroom and Aizawa walked in at last.

"Okay, today you will be training with Allmight on the fields. I expect you all to behave" Aizawa says and we all nod. Suddenly a phone rings and Aizawa picks it up.

"Yes... Okay... I'll be right there" Aizawa says then hangs up.

"Okay you guys, I have to go see Nezu, make your way to the training field, after changing into the appropriate clothes. We all nod in understanding and walk out of the classroom. All the girls are talking about how they think Y/n is here now. I smile at the potential of it all.

Y/n's POV

I sit in the car as we drive to UA high school. My nerves are everywhere and I am shaking my leg out of habit.

"Y/n dear you'll be fine! Everything is going to go great" my mom says and I nod stopping the shaking of my leg and looking out the window as we pull up and park.

"We will walk you into the office then you'll be escorted by your teacher after we talk to the principal," Dad says and I nod, getting out of the car after my parents.

We walk into the office no students are in sight. I calm my nerves and look around.

"Ahh welcomes Mr. and Mrs. L/n, and you must be Y/n am I correct?" The principal I know as Nezu asks.

"That I am. It's nice to meet you sir" I say shaking his hand.

"Wonderful, I will call Aizawa up to come to get you, while I talk to your parents," Nezu explains and I nod my head.

Soon pro hero Eraser head walks in and over to me.

"Y/n L/n?" Aizawa asks and I nod.

"Great let's go the students are all on the training field," Aizawa says and I nod. Saying goodbye to my parents and then following after my teacher. We walk over and I see Allmight standing looking at a bunch of students running laps and sparing. I look around and suddenly Aizawa whistles at the kids and they all stop and look over walking to us.

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