The Prologue

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  The World Had Succumbed To Virus, Sickness And Death. Too Much Curiosity Had Cursed The Minds Of The Scientists Who Had Cracked Open A Preserved Bug, What They Ignorantly Denied Is The Deadly Diseases That Hid In The Bugs Flesh. It Was Only A Matter Time Before The Virus Would Evolve, Infecting Left And Right, Multiple Sicknesses Striking Against Humanity Rapidly, Suddenly. Without Hope, Without Time, Families And Individuals Would Meet Their End With Only A Cough. Years Would Pass As Body Bags Ran Out. But, Nature Would Give Immunities To Those That Survived, As Cruel Of A Mistress She Is, She Would Not Let Humanity Be Snuffed Out So Easily. With Majority Of The World Dead, Humanity Thinly Scattered Across The Globe. Surviving, Trading, The Old Ways Of Life Have Been Recuperated With The Technology Of Modern Times. Even With Such Fewer Folks Alive, Crime Still Finds It's Way To Creep Into The Lives Of The Unfortunate. No Government Left Standing, And Those That Start In It's Infancy, Are Mysteriously Snuffed Out, Will Humanity Come Back To It's Golden Age? Or Will This Be The Next Step Towards Extinction.

  An axe would chop apart a log, on top of a trunk, the pieces falling down to the piles besides other pieces of wood. The time of day was Noon as the sun was bright and high, a light breeze could be felt as clouds would litter the beautiful blue sky. The axe in question looks old in nature, slight rust coating the metal near the wooden handle, in of itself looked needed for repairs. The wood chopper, was wearing tattered clothes, he would grab another log and place it upon the truck before winding his axe up and bringing it down, chopping the piece of wood in two with one hearty swing. He grabbed the last log that was besides his feet, putting it atop the trunk before he would swing again as his axe struck the log in two, he would leave the axe stuck in the trunk, leaning down, he would grab the chopped wood pieces and pick them up. As he held the numerous log pieces he would make the short walk towards the small cabin that he called home, tossing the pieces of wood into the pile he had made, before he would open the door leading into his cabin he would hear something unusual, knocking at the front door of the cabin, not wanting to waste anytime, he would let out a soft sigh before walking around the cabin. To his surprise, he would see a group of Four people waiting besides his front door, Two horses and a carriage, the group of intimidating men, and a single woman, were wearing somewhat new looking clothes.

"[Mysterious Man] Hello Adin, It's collecting Time."

"[Adin] Collecting Time huh? And what are you collecting this time."

"[Mysterious Man] Wood, it's nearing winter. Everyone gotta stay warm somehow"

"[Adin] And how much wood do you need, Exactly?"

"[Mysterious Man] Three Crates Full Adin"

"[Adin, Scoffs.] Three? You must be outta damn mind."

"[Mysterious Man] I never am Adin, come on you had plenty of time."

"[Adin] A week isn't plenty of time Dickhead!"

"[Mysterious Man] Come on now Adin. Don't act like that"

"[Adin] Your acting as if I'm a one man army for chopping wood."

"[Mysterious Man] Your capable, strong. If it's such a problem, why not incorporate your Son?"

  The Mysterious man would point to the cabin, in the window, which Adin would turn to look, seeing a young boy carving something with a small knife, his son. He would turn around and look back at the group of four, his hands slowly clenching as he spoke with more venom to his tone.

"[Adin] Leave my boy out of your horseshit. He doesn't need to deal with your suit wearing pompous ass. And I think it's best if you clear off my Damn lawn before someone gets hurt."

"[Mysterious Man, Sighs] it doesn't need to end this way Adin, just give us the wood."

"[Adin] I'll say it once, I don't have that much wood, and I'll say again, get the hell away from my house."

"[Mysterious Man] Your making a big mistake Adin."

"[Adin] I made a mistake when I let you walk over me with your fuckfaced friends here."

The other man on the horse would seem to lose his patience as he was about to get off the horse, the woman however held his leg as to keep him on the steed, signifying that it might not be worth it, not yet.

"[Mysterious Man] All I can say is I warned you Adin. Have a good day, with your boy."

  The Mysterious man would walk off before getting on one of the horses, the Four would ride away, as Adin would turn to the cabin and walk to the door, opening it as he went in, closing it behind him.

Time Skip

  As Night fell, smoke could be seen reaching the sky, in the trees, as multiple carriages could be seen stopped by the end of the forests, near a trail leading to a small cabin. However, the cabin was brought aflame, a same group of mysterious people were watching with a sadistic smirk on their faces, however inside the cabin was a scene to behold. Adin was holding a medium sized bag before he shoved it into the arms of his son, also handing him the axe he used to chop wood. Adin seemed oddly beat up, he had a bloody nose and multiple cuts and bruises across his arms and face.

"[Adin, Huffing] H-Henry.. you have to be Strong. Take this, and run, run as far as you can."

"[Henry] B-Bu-But.. D-Dad! I-I"

"[Adin] No buts! You have to go, live on, find a place to stay, do anything you can to stay alive. Promise me that."

"[Henry, Crying] I-I.. D-Da"

"[Adin] Promise me!"

"[Henry] I-I Promise!"

Adin would smile, knowing this might be the last time he'd see his son, he would face the front door where the fire was its strongest before turning back to his small boy. He would turn Henry to face the back door.

"[Adin] You have a pure heart henry.. like your mother. Run and never look back. Go. And live! For me.."

With tears streaming down his eyes, Henry would be staring at the backdoor, and began running, bashing his shoulder through the wooden door before running towards the woods, he never knew where these trees led, but it was an only a matter of time before he would get lost in them. As Adin watched his son run away, soon disappearing to the darkness, he would turn to the front door, and clench his fists tightly, he had to make sure no one would follow his son. But unknowingly, he permanently set the course of his sons life...





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