Chapter #2 : In Disguise

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( Photo of her Alt mode)

Mr .Banes POV

I was at the junkyard looking for anything to salvage until something caught my eye. It was a Porsche and it stuck out like a sore thumb because of the color choice which was a lime green. I walked up to it and started to examine it and realized that from the interior to the exterior even the mechanics on this car was in top condition.

This would be a great gift for Mikaela I thought to myself as I made my way to one of the employees. " So how much for the green Porsche? " I asked the employee hoping to get a good price on it, so I wouldn't have to steal it .

The young man looked at the car then at me , before saying " There's no price on it being that it just got here but I'll ask the manager " and going to find his supervisor . I wasn't a second later that another and much older man came up to offer me a price on it.

" Okay here's the thing being that it just got here , I'll give it to you for $2,500 and its all yours" . He offered me a pretty decent price for and thank God I had the money on me to make this purchase. Now all I have to do is surprise her with it I thought to myself with a happy smile.

Mr. Banes POV End

Mikaela's POV

Well it seemed like Dad was late again and was probably out with his friends. I spent most of this time finishing a paint job on a motorcycle, after 15 minutes I heard a engine approach the house. Looks like Dad is here I thought as I got up to go to the garage area where he worked at.

What I saw was a green Porsche 911 with a black line down the middle. I was shocked when my Dad exited the car , " Dad did - " "No I didn't I brought with my own money because I wanted to give to you as a gift Sweetie "

I was surprised that I was speechless, The fact that my Dad got this for me brought me to tears. I don't how to ride my scooter or count on Trent anymore I smiled and hugged my Dad. " Thank you so much Dad I love it's different " said while going to the car and checking it out .

" Well it's yours here's the keys you can drive it in the morning to school , so bedtime first " Dad requested. I sighed but complied with it and went to my room so I could go to bed and get up for school in the morning. Yet I couldn't get the feeling that getting this car was about to change my life.

Mikaela POV End 

3rd POV

It was the morning meaning time for school , and Mikaela was up  and ready bid her Father farewell before getting in her new Porsche and driving to campus. Once there she parked the car and locked it , before heading in greeting her friends and boyfriend along the way. Leaving the car to wait for her until school was out .

After 7 hours school was finally out and Mikaela was invited to lake party along with Trent. After agreeing to coming along she got in the and notice that the seats were cool? It was like the car was keeping itself cool from the California sun , and Mikaela made sure that the door was locked before she left so how?

Mikaela just brushed it off as something that would end up being a easy fix for her , so she paid it no mind and left for the party not before letting her Dad know that she was going out. Once there she got out and went over to Trent giving a hug and kiss.

Soon a old yellow Camaro pulled up and Sam and his friend Miles, came out and after a moment or two Trent started to antagonize them making the two leave. Mikaela soon went up to Trent to ask a peculiar question, " Hey can I drive it for a little bit ? " and the was declined . " What , no no I don't want you to mess the rims you see this ?  Why can't you just get in the backseat" , Trent offered instead of letting her drive.

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