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Alpha's POV
"I'm sorry Alpha, your cancers back" the doctor tells me, Kyra, Carter, and Luke.
(Kyra and Alpha's text)
K- hey
A- what's up
K- being bored, you?
A- staring at my wonderful ghost boyfriend
K- *vomits*
A- I bet you didn't say that when you and Carter were sucking each other's faces off.
K- yeah but there's a difference
A- yeah and that is...
K- well~you~he~shut up
A- lol... You coming over or not?
K- yeah sure, is Carter there?
A- wow don't even like me anymore *sarcastically cries*
k- just asking geez
A- yeah he's here
K- kk be there in 5
A- kk see ya
(Alpha's POV)
"Hey guys Kyra will be here in 5" Carter smirks
"and Carter," I began "just ask her out already" he blushes
"Hey losers" Kyra yells as she walks through the doors.
"Hey" we All answer
Just then my nose starts to bleed, I run to the sink and Kyra hands me a paper towel. I put it over my nose and tipped my head back.
"Alpha, is it..." He didn't even have to answer my question to know he was talking about my cancer.
"Kyra, give me the phone" by this time everyone was worried and Kyra and Luke were really confused.
When I get the phone, i call my doctor and the nurse answers
"Cancer treatment center, whom do you wish to speak with?" The lady asks through the phone
"Dr. Leeann Parker" I say back
"Please hold" i wait about 20 seconds before dr. Parker answers the phone.
"Hello" she speaks
"Hey this is alpha Ann, I used to be one of your patients, I had stage 2 brain cancer" Kyra and Luke mouths drop open.
"Yes alpha what's the problem?"
"I just had a nose bleed, I'm pretty sure it's nothing but can you run some tests"
"Of course honey, come in and we will get everything sorted out."
"Thanks bye"

A Paranormal Love story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now