43: I love this room

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Scaramouche had fallen asleep beside me and my head rested on his chest. If someone walked in, they would stare at us weirdly, but I didn't care. Maybe Scaramouche did because of his 'oh so important reputation'. In the fatui I suppose it is really important though.

Scaramouche stirred and I moved my head so he could sit up. He sat up and let out a groan before laying right back down beside me and hugging me. I laughed a little at his clinginess.

"How long have you been waiting to do that?" I whispered and brushed his hair wit my hands. He mumbled something in my shoulder and pulled me closer.

"I can't hear you."

"I don't know. Long." Scaramouche still smelled of cinnamon, and his hair a little of lavender.

"How long?"

"Really long."

"That is still not the answer I am looking for." I placed a small kiss on his indigo hair and smiled.

"That is the answer I am giving." His arms snaked down to my waist and held me tighter. I had one of my arms under my head and the other on his back, while both of his hands, of course, now were on my waist and clinging tight. I huffed and tried to move out of his grasp.

"Don't." I stopped shuffling around at his command. My body relaxed at his gentle touch.

"Don't you think this is a little fast?"

"Fast?" Scaramouche moved his face out of the crook of my neck to look up at me. I gave a small smile before continuing.

"Yes fast. We just kissed."

"And? It is not like this is more than that." He huffed and sat up in the bed. His hands slided of my waist and onto his lap.

The orange colors had faded away outside the window and only the white stars and dark sky could be seen. Almost no light was coming from the moon, since it was now on the other side of the building. The houses was dark and only few lights was splattered around.

"I have work to do. Wait here." I grinned at his comment and pointed down to my legs before speaking myself.

"Will do sir." Scaramouche let out a huff before walking over to the door. A last glance was given before he walked out of the door and shutting it behind him.

When I knew he had walked away and couldn't hear anything. I took a pillow and screamed into it. I giggled and smiled like a little child and, while still hiding my mouth with the pillow, looked outside at the shining stars.

I focused on my reflection. The excited girl stared right back at me and I let out another high pitched scream and continued my giggling.

I stopped my screams and giggles when I heard footsteps outside the door. I placed the pillow underneath my head and a blanket got placed over me.

The door soon opened and I turned my head. To my surprise Scaramouche stood in the door with a stack of papers and a pen.

"Didn't you have work to do?"

"I will just do it here. It gets lonely in my office." I smiled at him and swinged over the bed so my feet was an inch or two over the floor.

"That reminds me." Scaramouche placed the stack of papers down and the pen on top.

"Can you walk yet?" I sighed and took my weight on my feet. It felt like the entire world started to shake and I was right about to fall when I caught myself on the bed.

"Maybe." Scaramouche shook his head at my enthusiasm. I tried to take a step without falling, but failed miserly. I fell face first and landed on the ground.

Notebook dreams //A Scaramouche x reader fanfic//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang