7 - Our First Valentines Together

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It was a big day. The day I've been looking forward to. The day that's special for the both of us for very different reasons than most people. It was Valentine's day, the quote on quote day of love.

It was the first time I met Taylor and the day she saved me.


It happened during my first relationship, with another girl named Jamie. This girl was...

Not a good person.

She abused me, harassed me and did many evil things to me but I let it happen back then because I loved her.

She was actively cheating on me as well, with other women and even sometimes men. She wasn't even ashamed to hide it from me. She would call me clingy if I asked her to stop, and called me a killjoy if I didn't let her fuck me.

She would hit me if I cried and force herself on me if I tried to run away. But once again I let it all go because I loved her.

Back then, she was my world, the person I loved when I was young and naive. The 20 year old me was blindly in love with a woman who didn't and never had loved me back.

Although my hopes were rekindled when she initiated a date for us on Valentines day. She said it would be nice to go out normally for once.

I was ecstatic. This was the first time she asked me out. Whenever I did ask her out she'd always just say no or simply just request sex instead.

So my eyes, mind, heart and body could not believe it. My dad who still didn't know about me was surprised to see me go all out on my dress and make up that day.

I did everything I could to look as good as possible just for her. I wore my best dress, worked hours on my make-up and even brought out my favorite purse.

But when I arrived at our meet up spot, which was in some random cafe in the middle of the city. She was sitting there with a man whom I've never seen before.

Looking back at it, I was stupid for thinking that maybe that was just a friend, that was just the waiter, or a random guy hitting on her.

But as he groped her thigh, pushed away the blonde hair that settled on her cheeks, then pulled her in for a kiss, then her kissing back, I knew at that moment that I never should've come.

I made a noise of... I don't even know... Confusion? Heartbreak? Anger? But it was loud enough for Jamie to hear me and see me.

Her eyes widened and she elbowed the guy away. She stood up and walked over to me, a smile plastered on her cruel and heartless facade of debauchery.

"Maddie!" She smirked. "You came! Don't worry about that guy, you aren't such a baby to think that that was intentional right?" She tapped my shoulder. "You're looking pretty okay today compared to usual, don't act crazy and ruin the mood."

I just stared at her.

She gripped my hand and tried to drag me. "Come on!" She whispered. "You're embarrassing me."

I snapped my hand away from her, I glared at her then the guy who was sitting at the table meant for Jamie and I. I couldn't take it and tears flowed down my face as my heart felt like it snapped in two before breaking apart into dust.

"I hate this." Words that were stuck in my throat for the longest time.


"I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!" I screamed right at her face before dashing out of the café and running off somewhere.

I didn't know where I was going, nor did I really expect to end up somewhere. I just wanted to run...run from it all. I wanted to go hide in some corner and wait for everything to end.

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