Ch. 6

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AN: If you think I'm taking a while to write my story, it's my nature. I'll write as slowly as I can to build up Hiccup and Ace's friendship then we can head on to the timeskip part, whatever you call that.

Sike, no timeskip. I'm writing the whole httyd 1 😈


Hiccup woke up, but not enough energy to open his eyes, he could hear birds chirping. But as sleepy as the brunette can be, he tugged his blanket closer to him since it was still cold. He wanted to sleep in, skip dragon training and-

Wait, blanket?

Hiccup's eyes snapped open, and the said blanket he was holding onto was actually a wing, a dragon wing! Wrapped around him like a blanket indeed. Who knew the night fury's wings are like cardboard but scaly, softer and can bend like a carpet when it's guard is down? Nudging himself up, he crawled out of his dragon's embrace and rubbed his eyes, enough to open them at last. He was still in the forge, well, they. Ace was still a dragon, and it was already dawn. Which means..

Trying to wake his dragon, he tugged him, harshly, "Ace, wake up, wake up!! You're going to be caught- We're still in the forge, ACEEE WAKE UP!!"

That ought to earn a low growl and movement from him. Ace sat up and yawned, licking his lips indicating he was hungry. Looking down at the brunette, he grinned, but Hiccup's expression says otherwise. "Bud- Bud listen to me, either you gotta go back to the cove while nobody hasn't gotten out of their huts yet or turn back into a human and stay hidden here in the forge. Gobber's coming here to work, and I can't let him see you, human or not." he explained and it looked like the fire fist chose the second option, turning back into a human in front of Hiccup's eyes. "So, where do I hide?"

The lanky boy didn't respond, eyeing Ace and then around him. "Oookay, change of plans, we're going to get you a disguise," he said briefly and shoved Ace under the table, then grabbing his leather apron to cover what was under it, before taking a chair nearby and sitting next to the said table, laying his head down and placed the pipe next to his head to show he was working on his weapon the whole night after running off from the mead hall.

Ace would have already complained, uncomfortable with the position he's been forced down to but Gobber stepped in the forgery. "Aye Hiccup is really here an' was up all night eh?" the blonde elder snorted, obvious gentleness accompanied his tone, patting the boy on the head using his prosthetic wooden hand to wake him up. "Laddie, get up boyo. Ye got work to do n' dragon trainin' later on."

Hiccup seemed to wake up from this, he (faked a) yawn and stretched his limbs, accidentally hitting Ace by his leg and earning a muffled 'ow!' from below. Gobber turned around, and Hiccup flinched, "Ah- ow! Yeah um I think I cracked my bone!" he excused and Gobber deadpanned. "Ye should go check on gothi for that later." he remarked and was back to doing whatever he was doing with his back turned. The boy lowered his head and mumbled a sorry. "Gobber- Can you uh, go check the docks a bit? I think I dropped something there." Hiccup excused in the worst possible way just to get the elder out of the building, to buy enough time to drag Ace out. "Guh? What in the name of Thor were ye doin' out at the docks yesterday?" the blonde mentor asked confused. Hiccup just shrugged.

Apparently, he told Gobber he dropped his fishing rod and couldn't find it in the dark and the elder bought it, heading for the docks after dropping off some things in the forge. With little but luckily enough time, Hiccup dragged Ace out of the forge and they ran for the chieftain's house, which was surprisingly empty and almost finished. Luckily for Hiccup, his father's tunics and clothing are bigger and he just needs to adjust them to Ace's sizes. The freckled man stared around the house and observed as the brunette searched for sewing tools. He approached Ace to measure his arm length, shoulder, waist, and leg length and began working on sewing. And eventually, he finished, handing the clothing to ace. The man however, practically just wore the tunic, and everything he was originally holding was still with him, except his hair had been exposed, and it was Hiccup's first time seeing the man without his orange hat.

The Fire Fist, reincarnated. ONE PIECE X HTTYDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora