I'll Say Goodbye for the Two of Us

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"Thor! When did you get back?" I ask him.

Not going to lie, I'm a little miffed that he ruined the moment.

"I just got back." He looks at Loki. "Loki, we are needed on Asgard. Finn and Kari are to come back as well."

My heart plummets. I look up at Loki to see he has a frown on his face.

"I'm allowed back? Why and will I be able to return here?" He asks.

Thor shakes his head. "I don't know but I would think so. Father is the one who ordered all of us to return."

Loki doesn't move away from me. I squeeze his hand and he looks at me.

"Go." I say. "I'll be waiting for you to return." I then look at Thor and fix him with a hard glare. "And he had better return."

Thor's eyes widen a bit and then he nods. "I promise, I will do everything I can to bring him back to you."

I give him a sharp nod of my head. Loki lets go of my hands and cups my cheek. Thor leaves the room and I look at Loki.

"Are you sure?" Loki asks. There is sadness in his eyes.

I frown and sigh. "It won't do any good to say no to Odin." I wrap my arms around him. "Besides, at least you'll get to see Frigga." I can feel tears beginning to form so I bury my head in his chest. He moves his arms to hold me tight to him. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Pet." I feel him kiss the top of my head.

Damn you Odin! I think as I step away from Loki.

He pulls me back and his lips crash against mine. A searing kiss. His tongue pushes past my lips and into my mouth. A shiver runs through my body sending a wave of arousal straight down to my core. My head feels fuzzy when he pulls away. Loki looks at me for a minute before letting out a huff.

I take his hand and we both walk outside where Thor, Finn, and Kari are already waiting. Kari runs up to me with tears in her eyes and hugs me.

"I'll miss you, My Lady. I promise we'll be back." She cries.

I hug her back. "I know you will, Kari. I'll miss you too." Now I really can't stop the tears.

Finn lays a hand on Kari's back. As she steps away from me, Finn bows to me.

"We'll be back, My Lady."

I reach up and give him a hug as well. "You had better, Finn. I'll miss you too."

He gives me a nod and takes Kari back over to Thor. Thor walks over to me removing something from his waist.

"Here, I believe this is what you wanted."

It's a small metal ball. My eyes widen as I take it.

"You got it!" I look at him.

"Yes. It took awhile for the Nova Corp to decide to hand it over to me. I had to promise them that it was going into Odin's Vault." Thor says.

I look at the metal ball. I was one step closer to beating Thanos. I step forward and hug Thor.

"Thank you, Thor."

He smiles at me. "Don't worry, Sister, I'll make sure Loki can come back." He steps away and I look at Loki again.

He leans down and kisses my forehead. "Goodbye, Little One."

I frown and my bottom lip trembles. "Goodbye, Loki." I step away as he stands next to Thor.

Thor raises his hand holding onto Mjolnir and the Bifrost appears around them and in an instant, they are gone.

"Seriously? They have to leave on the day everyone gets moved into the new place?" I hear Tony gripe behind me.

I sigh. "That's Odin for you. The Great Destroyer of Good Moods." I say bitterly.

"They'll be back. We need all the Avengers from what I'm guessing." He says after a moment.

I wipe my face and nod. "Yeah. We'll need everyone." I turn and go back inside and head to my new room.

I look down at the Power Stone. I need someplace to hide this. I still have to unpack all the boxes but this is more important. I look around the room, bathroom, and closet before deciding to just hide it away in my underwear drawer. Try finding it now, pervert Thanos! I start to unpack my boxes. If I can keep active, then maybe I won't think about Loki not being here. It doesn't help.

I grab a box labeled bathroom so I take it in there.I exit the bathroom to see Wanda walking in.

"Hey Wanda." I say.

She gives me a smile. "I saw the others leave."

I frown again. "Yeah. They had to go back to Asgard." I sit down on the bed and Wanda sits down next to me.

"They will return." She says softly.

I nod. "I hope so." I look at her. "I love him. We just started our relationship but I love him. I have for a long time actually."

"He scares me. I can't see into his head so I don't know what Loki is thinking, but I saw the way he looked at you. I think he loves you too."

I blush and try to cover it with a light chuckle. "Don't be afraid of Loki. He's deadly for sure with or without his magic, but he will fiercely protect the people he cares about."

Wanda takes my hand and squeezes it. "I'll take your word for it. It's almost dinner time, come with me?"

"Ok." I nod.

She smiles and we both stand up.

"Oh and don't worry, I'll make sure Pietro knows that you are taken."

I let out a small laugh. After dinner I go back to my room to finish unpacking. When I'm ready for bed I change into a pair of pajamas and crawl under the covers. The memory and feel of Loki's kiss comes back to me. If Thor hadn't shown up, then maybe we would've "broken in" the new bed.

I feel a new wave of arousal as I focus on the kiss. The way his tongue felt against mine. I slip a hand underneath my shorts and panties. I run my fingers through my folds as I picture Loki down there, that wonderful tongue in place of my hand. I slip two fingers inside me and begin to pump them slowly in and out while my thumb rubs my clit.

It doesn't take long for me to orgasm. I crawl out of bed and enter the bathroom to wash my hands. I get back into bed and curl up on my side.

"I miss you, Loki." I whisper in the dark. I can feel tears forming again. I end up crying myself to sleep.

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