Chapter 3

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W.D. Gaster. An intelligent skeleton scientist, hand picked by the king himself to lead the research for the rescue of the underground from its life-time captivity, is now dashing from his office in the Hotlands, to a building. A small halfly red building, divided by a creamish white canvas filled with children-drawn paintings scrunched together. He’s always pondered on the paintings there. Had the bottom half of the building been colored white in purpose for the kids to take brushes up to there and paint their masterpieces? Or had the white been initially painted for appearance sake merely, and the kids had took a look and decided it’d be their next sheet of paper? He lacked an answer. However, it didn’t matter much to him what the answer was. He slows to stop in front of the building, racking his eye sockets over the drawings there, searching. He found what he was looking for and his eyes softened.

There in the midst of all the scratchy suns, animals, and people, lay a small little picture. 3 figures are recognizable. One, a skeleton with a long white coat and equally pale turtle neck stood tall in the middle of the drawing, holding the hands of 2 smaller skeletons than himself. The one to his left, the smallest figure in the painting, carried the happiest expression on his face possible. Smiling brightly and lifting his hands (the right still interlocked with his father) above his head in an excited manner, he was decked in a sweater of gold color. Around his neck, a red scarf was tied there, a trademark of his particular style, as he likes to say. Gaster smiled warmly, caressing the painted wall with his boney fingers, careful not the scratch the drawing away. He turns his head to the right of the painting, there the second tallest figure in the painting stood. Wearing his bright blue sweater with brown shorts, a smile was plastered across his face. Gaster stared at it, taking in the details. The obvious joy in his face, the straight posture of a confident monster and his features sadened. This drawing depicted a side of his oldest son, Sans, that sadly, Gaster has yet to see. In this drawing, one that was obviously created by the youngest of them all, he was the happiest that can be. Without a single worry tainting that smile and he can feel a ball of guilt in his neck bone.

A flash of memories from the past crossed his temporal lobes, reminding him of the previous horrors of his actions. Remorse claws at his bones, racking through from the tips of his toe bones to the top of his skull, and he looses his balance, gripping the wall to support himself as another stress-related headache wrecked his head. He grunts in pain, though unsure which pain he’s groaning more from. He struggles to regulate his breathing. The panic and fear of a man he no longer knows prevents him from regaining his strength as quickly as before. He feels akin to drowning. Multiple gasps of air escape from his mouth, and he forces himself to think of the now. He forces himself to get rid of this feeling by reminding himself of the father he now is. A man who cares.



A decision made for the betterment of his humanity. One he doesn’t regret.



A test of courage to see if he was willing to risk it all but for the worst.



He’d passed.



A split commitment made that saved both himself and his children.



He’s a good man, he’s better now.
(Are you…?)



He’ll find another way.



They’ll understand.
(Will they…?)


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