Chapter 16

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Bill POV

I was speechless at what I heard, I looked behind me to see Tad also speechless. Meaning he had no idea about this situation, I looked beside Mary and looked at Jack. He looked at me which I motion my fingers to come here, Jack obeyed and stand next to Mary. Jack hold Mary's hand as I put my hand on her shoulder, she looked at me before I said serious.

"We need to talk." I teleported us to my office, then remove my hand from Mary's shoulder

"Do you have any information about this, Jack?" I calmly ask as I walk around my desk to my chair, then make chairs appear in front of my desk.

"No, I'm as clueless as you about this." Jack replied unhappy as he and Mary sat down, then looked at Mary who has her head down

"Mary..." She raise her head, and looked at me with tears going down her cheek. Jack got worried, and puts his hands over her hands for comfort.

"What happen that made Tad's father and the pines do this to Asria"? I softly asked as I lay my arms on my desk, with my finger tangled. Mary took a deep breath and sniffed before explaining upset,

"The next day after I saved Asria from Tad, I got a call from Ford asking me to meet him in the woods. I meet him there, and was shock to see Tad's father there as well. They afford me that Ford would stop trying to kill Asria, on one condition..." I removed my arms from my desk and lay back

"Either I let Asria and Amphora go visit Gravity Falls during summer when their twelve, or Tad gains a sibling..." I sigh while resting my head on my hand with my elbow on the arm rest

"So of course, I choose the first afford but there was a twist they added..." I looked back at her curious

"He wasn't inform about Asria being you bride, by the way which made the offering worse..." I lay my forehead on my hand, as I close my eyes and shake my head then said disappointed

"Of course, he didn't know".

"He put a master and beast bond to Asria with Tad." I shot my eyes open being blood red, then I slowly turn my head towards Jack and Mary. Jack got scared as he looked at me, then look back at Mary as she looked upset with tears go down her cheeks.

"What?" I said unhappy as I put my arm down, while Jack and Mary moved back a little

"He put that bond on Pine Tree and Tad!" I shouted angry while slowly standing from my seat, which made Jack and Mary move back. (The master and beast bond is where you bond two souls together, who ever you choose to be the master, then give the beast to the other person which gives that person a beast form. The monster has to make a specific tone to summon the beast, and is the only person the beast will listen.) Mary nodded as more tears went down her cheeks

"That absolute son of a BITCH!!!" I yelled demonically pissed as I throw a glass frame to the wall, while my darkness spread through my office which made Jack and Mary get out of their seats terrified. I took a deep breath which made my darkness disappear, and put my fingers at the brim of my nose while being held up by my other arm. Jack and Mary sigh in relief, then I hand motion my hand as I said unhappy.

"I'll go talk to Tad first, before having a word with his father. But first, I have to check on Pine Tree" When I said that, Teeth burst through the doors which got our attention.

"Your majesties! Come quick, Sixter is in the Fearamid and has the queen!" Teeth said freaking out


3rd Person POV

Once Bill teleported to his office with Jack and and Mary, it gave Ford the perfect opportunity to secretly snick in with out getting spotted. He quietly walked down the hallway, and saw a galaxy door with nature design. He thinks that Dipper was in there, then tried to open the door without getting harmed or killed. He pulled out the barrier dust, and blow it on the door which destroyed the barrier. He opened the door to see Asria in her deer form. Ford didn't know that it was Dipper; until, she looked at him shock and saw the birthmark. He smiled and use a device to capture Asria in a magic cage, which made Asria panic and tried to use her power. The magic on the cage prevent that her from from trying to escape. It made Ford's job easier; until, he was spotted leaving the room and was chased. Demons chased Ford down the hallway, and into the throne room which got him surrounded.

"Well well well..." Everybody looked at the throne to see Bill standing in font of the throne angry, with her arms crossed as Mary and Jack stand beside him unhappy.

"Look who we have here, what are you doing with my bride Sixter?!" Bill shouted angry

"I'm taking Dipper back." Ford replied unhappy

"Her name is Asria!" Jack shouted angry, which Ford just rolled his eyes annoyed

"What ever, they're coming with me." Bill chuckled

"Do you really want to try, and fight all of them?" Bill asked happily as demons around Ford went in attack mode, ready for commands.

"Look I won't leave without Tad's bride..." Ford immediately covered his mouth as everyone sharply gasp, then slowly looked at Bill in terror to see him pissed with blood red eyes.

"Excuse me?!" Bill shouted pissed as he uncrossed his arms

"You and Kevin think going behind my back to offering with Mary was a good idea?!" Bill shouted more pissed, Ford looked at him shock removing his hand from his mouth. He looked at Mary who lowered her head sadly, which got Bill's attention.

"Oh don't think that Mary in in trouble,..." Bill said angry as he step ion front of Mary, which got Ford's attention as Jack went to comfort Mary.

"You and Kevin went behind my back..." Bill floated

"Put the master and beast bond to Tad and Pine Tree..." Flew between the group and the throne in mid air

"Never told Kevin that Pine Tree is my bride..." Bill stop in the air

"And trying to take away my BRIDE"!!! Bill yelled demonically pissed as he transformed into his full demonic form, everyone became terrified for their lives. Everyone then heard someone clear their throat. They looked in front of the group of demons to see Tad looking unhappy. Ford sigh in relief as the demons made a path towards him, and was about to say something when Tad stand in front of him. Tad grabbed the cage in one hand, and put his other hand on Ford's forehead. The demons behind Ford made a path towards the doors, then Tad flick Ford's forehead sending him flying out of the Fearamid. Everyone was shock that happen as Bill change back to normal. Bill was speechless at what he has witness. Everyone looked at Tad as he used his magic to make the cage disappear, then safely put Asria on her feet. He put two fingers on Asria's forehead, then purple particles surrounded Asria. The particles changed to gold as Bill's symbol glowed, then Tad look at Bill to see him in shock with his hand on his chest. Tad change the bond to Bill and Asria, then removed his hand off Asria's forehead. Bill looked at tad concern with his hand down, then Tad teleported out of the throne room leaving everyone confused or speechless.

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