Chapter 18: Climax

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Warning: mature content

It was raining cats and dogs tonight and Taehyung disappointedly had to cancel their dinner out and their movie date that he had carefully arranged.

"What do we have in the fridge? Let me cook you something." He offered. Though his cooking skill was actually less than Seokjin's, he enjoyed seeing Jin eat the dishes he had made wholeheartedly for him.

"Ramyeon..." Jin opened the refrigerator. "I haven't had time to buy groceries."

"Ramyeon it is, then." Taehyung caressed Jin's head and pecked his ear. "I'll cook." He offered.

Seokjin loved spending time at home more than going out. Meanwhile, Taehyung was the opposite. But lately he loved staying home as well, doing domestic things with Jin, whether it was cooking or cleaning. Cleaning, for God's sake! He hated cleaning before! He came from a privileged family who never had to get his hands dirty. But now here he was, doing all the household chores.

The dinner might be simple, but they enjoyed every part of it, from the time they made it, to the time they savored the warm dish and cleaned all the dirty bowls and utensils together.


Half an hour after that, they snuggled comfortably on the bed, watching a movie. Making the most of their night. "Should I bring some drinks here?" Taehyung whispered. "What do you want, beer, cola?"

"No... Just stay here!" Seokjin pulled Taehyung's hand onto his chest.

Well...! Taehyung couldn't help but smile. He circled his other hand to fully hug Seokjin, scooped him onto his chest, and kissed his temple. Seokjin meekly surrendered into Taehyung's embrace. His focus was still on the movie, but Taehyung's wasn't. His naughty fingers found a way to sneak under Jin's t-shirt and onto his waist's bare skin.

Oh, that gorgeous slim waist Taehyung always adored! It felt so soft under his touch now. His fingers moved up and down slowly, sometimes only hovering right above it. His touch was as light as a feather. Then once in a while, Taehyung put a light pressure and squeezed it. Seokjin gasped and let out a low moan. His body reacted and squirmed. It was his sensitive part after all.

Taehyung squeezed it again and pulled Jin closer at the same time. He kissed Jin's temple and tangled one of his legs onto Jin's lower torso. Seokjin curled up to him, snuggled into the crook of Taehyung's neck.

He seemed in the mood.

This was enough signal for Taehyung to make more moves. He lifted Jin's face and kissed his lips. Soft. Light. With teasing bites. When Jin seemingly enjoyed them, he deepened the kisses, opened his mouth wider, and made the most out of his skillful tongue to savor and pleasure his love.

The tension in the room was getting thicker. Taehyung slowly pushed Jin onto the pillow and took charge. The kiss was long and lingered. Seokjin's body melted with every kiss and every touch. As time went by slowly, he felt weaker and needier.

"Baby, will you let me have you tonight?" Taehyung kissed the tip of Jin's nose. His eyes darken, his voice was low and raspy, filled with desire. Seokjin answered with a nod and a hum. His hands circled Taehyung's neck and pulled him down. He wanted more. Needed more. He would let Taehyung do whatever to him tonight.

My porcelain doll... "I love you..." Taehyung whispered softly and kissed his forehead, making Jin's heart skip a beat. Taehyung loves him... He closed his eyes and felt all the warmth that Taehyung showered him with. "I love you..." He kissed his left cheek. "I love you..." He kissed his right one. "I love you, Baby!" Then drowned himself in Jin's plump lips. He slowly drifted his mouth and trailed on Seokjin's neck, planting a light kiss on every part. Seokjin moaned helplessly, the teases made his mind blur and his head dizzy.

"Mr. Kim..." He bit his lip desperately.

"It's Taehyung!" Another kiss.

"Tae—-hyung...." Jin whimpered as Taehyung sucked his neck and licked his Adam's apple. His back arched up, welcoming. Taehyung loved the way Jin's body responded to him in the most vulnerable way, as the way his body also responded to Jin's. They made for each other after all.

One by one, their article of clothing was stripped off, deliberating them from the bothersome hindrances. Nothing was between them now. They soon molded back into each other with so much desperation and hunger, treasuring each other's presence.

"You're so gorgeous!" Taehyung adored him.

You're so gorgeous too.... Seokjin softly grazed his fingers on Taehyung's honey skin. So soft! So tempting!

"Hmm..." Taehyung smiled. His lips explored more, tasting Jin's delicate ivory skin from his chest, down to his soft tummy. Slowly, affectionately...

Jin panted heavily. As Taehyung kissed and licked the tip of his hard shaft, he flew into oblivion... He closed his eyes, threw his head backward, and let out an involuntary moan, making Taehyung go crazy. He wanted to hear some more of that!

"Where's the lube?" He asked impatiently. Enough with the teases, he now needed a real deal.

Jin got up and scrambled to the bedside table. Taehyung took the tube, coated his fingers generously, and pushed Seokjin back onto the bed. He pressed him down with his body. "Breath, Baby!" He asked, and slipped a digit of his finger in. He coaxed Jin with loving kisses. "I'll be gentle!" He definitely had to hold himself back a big time if he wanted to be gentle, because his body was on blazing fire right now. He almost lost control just by the thought that he would finally make love to Seokjin.

"Feels good?"

"Hmm..." Seokjin writhed. His nails dug into Taehyung's back. "... I need you now..." He whimpered helplessly.

"Okay..." Taehyung said. "Relax, huh?" He penetrated gently. "Breath...." And kissed Jin's neck. "I love you..." His lips now reached Jin's mouth and kissed him there. He took his time. "Comfortable enough now?"


"Good...." Taehyung moved slowly, giving Jin time to adjust and enjoy. He controlled the phase and synced it with Jin's rhythm. Their hands weaved, their legs tangled up. They made out passionately. Soon enough, both of them lost control. Their bodies exploded like firecrackers, fiery hot in tension and desire. Urgently pursuing each other, pleasuring their most ancient carnal needs.

"Fuck, Baby!" Taehyung stopped them from moving. He didn't want it to end too soon. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. "More?" He asked a second later.

"... ye-s..."

They moved back together with Seokjin moaning louder, lewder, messier. The heaven he felt right now was beyond measure. He bit Taehyung's shoulder to hold back his sultry whimpers, making Taehyung jolt and shiver in deeper lust. He was now moving vigorously. "Come for me, Baby!" He grunted in Seokjin's ear in his deep voice, triggering Jin's release.... 

.... and his own release in return...


They panted and were out of breath... Their first experience was like no other!

Taehyung peppered Jin with light kisses as they came down from cloud nine. "That was so... wow!!" He smiled, and Seokjin smiled back at him. "Did you like it?

"... yeah..." Seokjin answered, shyly. "Uh... I'm sorry... I hurt your shoulder..." He touched the red wound and Taehyung flinched a bit.

"It's okay. I know you'll be fierce in bed." He grinned, making Jin shun away coyly. Did he know that the bite was the thing that triggered Taehyung's climax?

Taehyung smiled and kept that to himself. He was happy to make Jin satisfied and satiated, as he was as well.


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