twenty six

431 30 5

The banquet started out with cheerful hellos and introductions. Daniel got to meet business partners of my dad, along with some of my brothers rowdy friends. They all seemed to like Dan, though I could tell their eyes would dash in between us, asking an underlying meaning between our friendship.

It didn't completely bother me, until someone questioned it and made things awkwardly stiff.

"So, honey, how long have you two been dating?" My aunt Debby asked, placing a manicured hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, em, we are just friends auntie, good friends." I replied, uncomfortable beyond belief. She gave me a look, trying to decipher the lie. Too bad their wasn't one, we were just friends and that's all we would ever be.

"If you say so, it was a pleasure meeting you Dan, see you two around."


"Jade, oh my it's been so long! Your so grown up!" Chrissy exclaimed. She was a few years older than me, a family friend who used to hang out with me when we were young.

I pulled her into a tight hug, squeezing her as tight as possible.

She was a friend I shared with my sister before she left, and Chrossy seemed to be a living remnant of what I had with her. Memories pulled into my brain, causing tears to well in my eyes. I didn't let go for what seemed like forever, even then she was the one to pull back.

"I've missed you." Was all I could muster. She smiles sadly at me, understanding. I wiped my eyes, making sure they didn't fall.

"I've missed you too, Jade."

Daniel veered off while we had our embrace, sitting with my brother and his friends. I didn't mind, being able to catch up with Chrissy seemed to be the thing I needed most.

We talked about what had been going on over the last few years, including that of my sister taking her life. It was both a happy and sad conversation, either way I was glad to have it.

Dan's POV

Jade encountered a blonde about as tall as her, and the smile on her face was ginormous. Until they embraced and tears welled in her eyes, causing my heart to lurch.

They seemed to be wrapped up in each other and I heard my name being called from a few guys.

"Dan! Hey, c'mon over her and have a drink!" It was Chris and his friends.

I took another glance at Jade before deciding to leave them be and shyly walked towards the younger boys. They eyed me up and down and I them. They weren't the normal people I would associate with, more resembling the ones I avoided in the halls.

"Hey Dan, care for a beer?"

I accepted the offer, and was handed a bottle before sitting myself down. I was expecting conversation to be about video games or their own girlfriends, but boy was I wrong.

"Have you fucked Jade yet?"

"I'm sure he hasn't, I mean, look at her she really isn't the fuckable type."

"She's not as fat as before, maybe he sees a little somethin' somethin'."

I looked toward Chris, to see how he responded to how his friends talked about Jade, but he just laughed at their words. If any of my friends ever talked about my sister like that they wouldn't be recognisable the next day.

"So, have you?" A blonde boy asked.

"No I haven't. We are just friends." I replied, on edge.

"See, I told you she wasn't fuckable."

I had enough of the comments towards her, so I grabbed me drink and hopped to my feet. They hollered at me as I walked away, but there was no way I was going to sit with those swine anymore.

Okay sorry this is short, I promise the next time I update this it will be long and finish the banquet. I hope you have been enjoying this, and I can't believe this has 3.5k reads! That's insane! Thank you so so much <3

Alchemy •Dan Smith•Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant