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The walk is long, and slow. I kick the weeds growing widly on the floor beneath me. The words Andris said dance around in my head. For some reason I can't shake my anger. His words although sweet, don't make sense.

How is he 'protecting' me from his sister, by hurting me?

Exhaling lowly I brush a stray curl away from my face. Suddenly wishing I had a hair tie. Out of nowhere I feel a prescense. It's alerting every senses of mine. The hairs on the nape of my neck stand up.


A movement int the thick tree's next to me, causes me to examine them catiously. Inside I see a shadow. I make out a womans face. She looks like an angel.

Her apperance is dark. Dark but not evil. She stares at me, as I stare back at her. A simple quirk of her lips, before she disappears among the shadows. I look at the crowded tree'd long after she's gone. Maybe I imagined it?

No her features were to realistic to imagine.

"Are you okay?"

I jump at the sound of his voice.

My eyes wander over to Elijah who looks extremely guilty for scaring me.

"I'm sorry, I should have alterted you to my prescense."

Waving off his apology,"It's fine."

He still somehow looks guilty as he offers me his arm. One minute we are in the middle of a forest the next, near a waterfall. The rushing water hitting the pool below at incredible speed limits. Wines growing around tree's making the whole sencenary more, beautiful.

I look around,"Where are we?"

"Victoria Falls."

I stare at him,"for real?"

He nodds, excitement builds up inside me. As a huge smile forms on his face. He grins back at me.

"Why did you take me here?"

"I wanted to make you happy, I could feel you were upset from earlier so I wanted to do something that would make you smile." He answered shyly, honestly.

Kissing his cheek, I thank him profuesly.

"Don't thank me, I am your mate. It is my job to protect and make sure you live your life in pure happiness."

My heart swells at his statement. How can he be such an Angel? I giggle before splashing him playfully with water. He chuckles before gently wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulling me into the water with him.

The water is strangley exhillarating. We swim around, easy conversation flowing between us. Elijah makes sure we don't swim to close to the waterfall, the current is too strong.

After about an hour in the water we both lay, on the grass surrounding the falls. Looking up at the blue sky, a blissful smile finds it's way onto my face.

Only for it to be shot down when I feel something Evil. Like a chill running down my spine. Fear and anger fills me, but it's not mine. Elijah stands up, his eyes wide. He pulls me up harshly, so unlike him.

"Elijah, what's going on?"

"Demon." He answered shortly. I whimper and push my body close to Elijah, his warmth bringing me comfort.

I've never met a real demon, and honestly I don't want to. Elijah stands in fromt of me, as if he's ready to guard me from anything.

I'm thrown backwards into the falls. The water burning my throat as it is forced down. The strength of the waves push me down. I fight my way upwards only to be pushed down again. The current hitting my body at numerous points. I let my body be pushed by the current, to easy waters. The burning in my lungs a huge discomfort.

I pull myself out of the water to see Elijah. He is bleeding. Badly. I smell it before I see the actual wound. The dark shadow like thing, forces Elijah to the ground. Slaming blow after blow into Elijah.

Elijah tries to fight back, but it's like the thing is a ghost. And his hands move through it. I want to cry. Elijah is hurt.

Something burns in my chest. A a need to protect. My instincts take over completely. All I can feel is the buzzing need to protect Elijah burning in my veins. It's like all I need is to protect.

My body hurls forward at untouchable speed towards it, speed I've never had until now. I slam into it some how making contact. My hands are glowing, they seem to be burning it. Suddenly the man disappears, fades away. Not alive this time. I feel his aura diminish under my hands eventually dying away.

The need to protect is still there, Elijah stares up at me from the ground with wide eyes. Placing my hands on his bloody wound I whimper slightly. The blood is nasueating, but my need to protect is so much more prominent. I close my eyes. I feel energy in my hands.

"You're glowing." Elijah says he stares at me shocked.

His wound disappears completely, along with the need to protect. Suddenly my energy leaves me, and I fall to the ground. I feel Elijahs depth inspiring touch on my body. I am lifted upwards. That's all I remember, before unconsiousness hits me.

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