The dress

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"No!" Astrid yelled. "Oh gods, please!" This kind of thing never happened to Astrid, EVER. Astrid's life was always known for being practically flawless. However, for whatever that day, the gods hated her. Someone had stolen all of the clothes off of her clothesline. All of them. That left Astrid with nothing to wear besides the clothes she had already been wearing for five days. (Seriously, they wreaked worse than a Gronkle's stable that hadn't been cleaned in a month.) Well, those clothes and... her mom's old dress. Astrid only wore the dress if it was an absolute emergency. She never wore it in public, and she most certainly didn't wear it while she was training. It would only slow her down. She had tried to borrow clothes from Ruffnut, but none of them fit her. Even worse, the village tailor was out of material. Astrid found herself with only three options. The first was to wear the dress and punch anyone who made a comment. The second was to continue wearing the clothes she had been wearing for the past five days, and be avoided by everyone. The final option was to wear the dress and not leave her house until her clothes magically showed up. After careful thinking, (Not really. It took about two seconds.) she choose the last option. She didn't have anything going on that day that she could remember, so she was fine. She put on the simple white, strapless dress, and looked into the mirror. Something seemed off, though. She took off her headband, and then released her hair from its braid. She looked into the mirror and smiled. She actually looked pretty. Her skin was clean and clear, and her blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight coming in from the window. Her smile was quickly replaced by a scowl. Vikings weren't supposed to look pretty! They were supposed to look tough. She didn't even know why her mom even owned the stupid thing! Astrid quickly tried to put her hair back into a braid, but there was a knock on the door. Astrid didn't move. Maybe they'll think I'm not here and leave, she thought. The person knocked again. "Come on Astrid!" a voice called out. "I know you're in there!" Of course. Astrid let out a sigh. Hiccup. "Hiccup!" Astrid yelled back. "What do you want?!" "Didn't you say you were going to help me with some combat training?" Oh, gods. Astrid had completely forgotten. Hiccup had practically begged for her help. She had even mentally planned everything out. She couldn't let him down now, her pride wouldn't allow it. After a moment of hesitation, Astrid marched over to the door and threw it open. Hiccup looked up at her, and his jaw dropped. "Unless you want your face to meet my fist," Astrid stated, "you won't, say, anything." Hiccup nodded, and then Astrid pulled him inside. "So," Hiccup said after Astrid slammed the door, "can you at least tell me why you're wearing that?" He held up his hands in defense when Astrid glared at him. "What? I'm just curious." She sighed, and then told Hiccup how her clothes had been stolen, and that the dress was all her mother had that fit her. "Wow," Hiccup said. "Whoever did that's a jerk." He paused. "So is it a wedding dress? Or-" "I don't even know, okay?!" Astrid yelled, throwing her arms in the air. She sighed again, calming down. "So, can we please hold off training until I get my stuff back?" Astrid asked. Astrid was totally expecting a 'yes.' "Look, Astrid," Hiccup said. "I know this is a bad situation for you, but I was really hoping to impress my dad tomorrow. Can you please help me?" "Are you serious?!" She punched him in the arm. "Well, we'll be in the woods alone, so no one will see you," he said. Astrid crossed her arms. "And, no one will be able to see you high up on the back of a Night Fury." The fury died from her eyes. She sighed, again. "Let me get my weapons." As she walked away, she added, "that I will not hesitate to use it on you if I catch any glances!" Hiccup gulped.

Astrid and Hiccup made it to the forest, thankfully without anyone seeing them. The whole flight, Toothless kept glancing back at Astrid, as if he knew something she didn't, or maybe he was just trying to understand why she looked different. When they landed, Astrid and Hiccup both grabbed an axe from the assorted bag of weapons Astrid had brought, and Toothless laid down to watched. "Okay Hiccup," Astrid said, "the first thing I'm going to do is demonstrate everything I'm going to teach you. So you should soon be able to do everything I do after we're done..." Astrid looked down at Hiccup's metal leg. "Probably without the rolls." Hiccup smirked. Astrid began immediately, hacking at trees with a sword, switching between the sword and an axe during a roll, and then throwing the axe so it was buried deep inside a tree. She continued to run about the area, expertly using each weapon with perfect accuracy. However, her dress eventually snagged a tree root, calling her to fall face first into the stone-filled dirt. Hiccup was at her side instantly. "Are you okay?" Hiccup asked, sounding very concerned. He held out his hand to help her up. "Yeah," she said. "I'm fine." Hiccup shook his head. "No, you're not," he said. "Look at your hands!" Astrid held them out. Blood poured out of cuts from the sharp rocks in the dirt. She had cut them when she tried to stop her fall. "I'm fine," Astrid repeated. She was expressionless. "No, you're not!" Hiccup said again. With that, he ripped a pieces of his shirt off, wrapping them around Astrid's hand. "You could of just used the dress instead of your shirt," Astrid muttered. Hiccup sat down next to Astrid. "It's your mother's. I wouldn't do that. And besides, I don't really see what your problem is," Hiccup said. "I mean, it's just a dress. It actually looks really good on-" "That's not the point!" Astrid practically screamed. Hiccup just gave her a confused look. "The point is that I'm supposed to look like a fierce warrior, not some damsel in distress." Hiccup tried to contain his laughter, thankfully succeeding. "You? Damsel in distress? Astrid, that is the last thing anyone would think." Astrid looked up, making eye contact with her friend. Had his eyes always looked so nice? "Everyone around here knows you. Nothing you wear is going to change what they think about you. So, you're wearing a dress. Big deal! You have a good reason, and you are perfectly capable of hurting anyone who laughs at or makes fun of you." Astrid took this in. Why had she been so stupid? She's ASTRID for crying out loud. Why did she need Hiccup to tell her who she was? "You know what Hiccup? You're right. Thanks. Can we continue tomorrow?" Hiccup nodded, happy to have helped his friend. Astrid turned toward Toothless, but then turned right back around and punched Hiccup on the arm. "Ow!" he said. He looked at Astrid, rubbing his arm. "What was that for?" "That, was for making me train you in a dress," Astrid said. Hiccup smiled, knowing what was coming next. Astrid leaned over and gave Hiccup a quick peck on the cheek. "And that is for everything else," she stated. Then, she hopped on top of Toothless. Hiccup did the same, and he took Astrid home.

Later, when Hiccup was sure Astrid was inside, he went home and snuck around to the back of the house. There, Stormfly, Astrid's Deadly Nadder was waiting patiently with a basket in her mouth. Hiccup took the basket, and opened it up. There were Astrid's clothes, safe and sound. "Thanks Stormfly," Hiccup said. "You can bring these back with you when you go home. Here's your 'payment'." He tossed Stormfly a very large cod, and the Nadder swallowed it whole. As Hiccup watched Stormfly fly off with the basket, Toothless walked over and sat down. "Well buddy," Hiccup said while scratching Toothless' neck, "the plan worked. She looked really good in that dress..."
This was an idea my friend gave me so I hope you like courtesy of Lilyan. Love YA


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