[The future?]

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Warning: Argument?
Cleo: "babeeeee I'm so boreddd."
Angel: "Yeah same.."
Cleo: "Can we go somewhere? I don't want to stay in the dorms forever!"
Angel looked down on his phone with no reply. "Babe?" Cleo scooted closer to his boyfriend. "Who are you texting?" He asked. "Quinn." Angel answered placing his phone down beside him. "Are you sure it's Quinn?" Cleo said unsure. "Yes I'm sure." Angel replied sounding a little annoyed. Cleo looked down. A knocked on the door formed causing both Angel and Cleo to jump. "I'll get it." Angel said getting up and walking up to the door. "Yoo Angel!" Quinn was there and she looks a bit different. Her hair is all straightened, she wears glasses, she wears blue dresses instead of RED. Probably a glow up? Quinn put her hands on Angel shoulders and pulled him into a hug. This made Cleo jealous. Angel pulled Quinn away and gave her an awkward look. Cleo walked up to Quinn and gave her a small quick hug. "So how have you guys been doing?" she asks fixing her glasses. "Good." Angel answers smiling. "Oh! How's Timmy doing?" Quinn asked changing the subject. "He's doing good—But he won't stop talking about those stupid monsters." Cleo paused when Angel said that. "Monsters...what do you mean?" Quinn asked.
3 weeks ago (at Angel's house)
"Where's my pencil...Where's my pencil.."
Timmy POV:
Timmy(written on paper)
How to escape from the hallucinations
Plan A: Hit it
Hit it..? That's not going to work! I bit my lip and continued on writing out many plans on how to escape from my Hallucinations. ALL THESE PLANS ARE DUM! I'M DUM! MY BRAIN WON''T EVEN FUNCTION RIGHT! I slammed my head on the table. I dug face in my arms and let out small sobs. This will take a long time. I felt a lick touch my skin. I looked up and biscuit was on the table with a tennis ball. "Not now biscuit..I'm trying to think of some ways to escape from my Hallucinations!" I told him. I pick my pencil up and tried to think of new things. With out me realizing Jacob sneaked up behind me and scared me. Actually—he half-scared me. I punch him in the face cause I was scared. (That's how I defend myself from weird people) "ouch! That hurts!" He yelped out. I let out a loud ugly dolphin laugh. "Maybe don't do that." I said rolling my eyes. I noticed the mistake I made in paper so I cramped it up and threw it on the floor. "Uh—I was going to tell you that it's 1am and you need to sleep." I looked at the clock. "But it's morning." Jacob look at me stupidity. "Broski- I literally told you it's 1am already." I rolled my eyes again. "Well- I'm not sleeping cause you might steal a handful of candy when I'm sleeping." Jacob nodded, agreeing on what I said. I sighed loudly and cramped another paper and threw it on the floor again. Jacob looked at his left side and saw a light switch. Please don't— and then he flickers it over and over until I get irritated. I grabbed the two papers that I threw on the floor and launched it to Jacob who was still flickering the light switch. Well that was weak. I grabbed one of my hard mental made animal plush and threw it directly at Jacob's face. He yelped in pain. "OW! Someone needs to...teach you some mannErs—" Jacob collapses on the floor. I gasped and ran up to him. "Jacob! Are you ok?!?" I nudged him trying to wake him up. Jacob eyes opened quickly. "P-perfectly fine!" Jacob said with pain in his voice. I slap myself two times. Why would you do that Timmy?!? Why?!? I look at Jacob who was looking at something else. "Imma go to bed now Jacob..goodnight!" I said to him and pushed him out of my room and immediately shut my door. I got my pjs on, and brushed my teeth. After that I jumped on my bed with Biscuit and I pulled out a random book— oh and a flashlight! Me and Biscuit both went under the sheets and continued to "read" the book. "Bla bla bla." This is boring. I skipped to random pages pretending that I'm reading it. Biscuit was already as leep. I got tired too and shut my eyes to sleep.
I woke up from a glass break. I shifted myself off the bed and tried to switch the lights on but it won't turn on. It's just plain dark. I grabbed my flashlight and noticed biscuit wasn't there. I opened my door and noticed the house was destroyed. There was holes, black smoke, and creepy whispering. I started to shake. This is my worse fear. I took a deep breath and took small steps. Why am I doing this..? I wanted to look for Biscuit and Jacob but they are no where to be found. I swallowed. What is this place..? This isn't home..TAKE ME BACK! I made my way to the living room..? Everything is so messy and—-inky—yuck! What the heck is this black puddles?!? I'm thinking of touching it but—no.  I look to the right side of my shoulder. There's a table and it wasn't there at MY house. On the table was a stack of hand drawn photos . I picked one of the pictures up and observed it. It was a drawn picture of a Lavender haired girl chasing a magenta haired girl with a knife. Interesting. Let's me see another one! I picked another one up and it was a pink haired girl—and a bacon hair dude hugging. The bacon dude looks familiar.. reminds me of Cleo. Ugh. I hate looking at this drawings. They look horrible! Who even drew these?!? I looked at another one. A blue hair and a blue hair fighting. WHY DO THEY LOOK SO FAMILIAR?!? There's so many drawings to look through. Maybe I should—- wait what was that?!? I heard loud noise coming from my big brothers room—yes I still call him big brother leave me alone! I finally stopped looking at the photos and headed to my big brothers room that was destroyed. A picture of him and Cleo is broken. Walls were written in ink—I CANNOT READ THE WRITING IS HORRIBLE!!! and the table was flip over. The bed was a mess (OF COURSE HE NEVER CLEANS HIS BED SO I DO IT FOR HIM FOR MONEY HEHEHE) and the floor was pretty much splattered in ink. Scary. I exited out of Angel's room—it freaking stinks in there! And I went outside (cause why not?) when I made it outside there was a swing- A SWINGG?! OOOOH BUT I NEVER OUT A SWING THERE WHERE THAT CAME FROM?? NOT ONLY IT WAS A SWING!! THERE WAS A LADY ON THE SWING WOOO! GET OUT MY HOUSE LADY!! NO TRESPASSING!!! (I CAN'T TAKE STUFF SERIOUSSSS BECAUSE I'M TIMMY OF COURSE!!" but wait. That's not—-a normal lady it's—- I stepped back scared. No, no, no! Please—- get out of my head—- THE LADY KEPT SINGING A SONG WHEELS ON THE BUS A CREEPY WAY JUST STOP IT! I HEARD THAT SONG IN KINDERGARTEN AND YOU RUINED IT! SCREW YOU HALLUCINATION!! I decided to yell out get out. This is my house not yours. I'm trying to keep my house safe like how that kid did in home alone 1. The only people who should be here is Jacob—I MEAN COME ON HE'S MY BABYSITTER AND THIS LADY ISN'T LEAVING! I kept yelling at her to leave- I HATE SEEING HER POP EVERYWHERE! SHE NEEDS TO STOP FOLLOWING ME EVERYWHERE! Without noticing she turned her head 360 degrees to me. Now that's creepy. I don't like that.. I teared up. I actually wanna get out of here.. this is a nightmare. I closed my eyes for six seconds then she disappeared when I opened them. Where did she go.
I look around. I guess she is gone finally! No more hallucinations? I shouldn't be saying that maybe I will have this forever. I went back inside but there was a shadow in front of me who jump-scared me making me fall in my back. I screamed. It was her! She teleported in front of me! Also I wanted to puke because her head was all the way to her chest! I ran pass her and SHE TRIED TO GRAB ME. Haha loser! That's why I play a lot of obbies because they teacher me how to do obstacles so L her. I ran through the hallway? Bro? We had another one? No that's one? The hall wasn't here before. I ran there anyways and it seems to be endless. Oh my god! I ran as fast as I can. She was catching up to me. I'm getting even scared. My heart is racing fast. Please. Help. Me. My breathing was so unsteadily. I cried and cried. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I YELLED OUT. "PLEASE! PLEASE!"
The hallucination suddenly touched me and pulled me up close to her face. I whimpered. "Let me go please.." I begged for mercy. She looks at me with that creepy smile. I-I just—wanna wake up— I close my eyes. It's just a dream. I took a deep breath.

Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up.

College life [book 2] slender x baconTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang