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Daniel was sitting outside holding he's own hair like he was about to pull it, and Daniel cousin's saw this and they start asking each other what happened to daniel.

What happened to daniel.- David ask

He was like loss in thought. - Dylan said

Did something happened last night that we didn't know.- Violet said and the two boys look at her.

No that's impossible I didn't hear any noise at Daniel's room last night.- dylan said

So you sneak up late night to go at Daniel's room.- david said

Yeah, I didn't hear anything and beside you guys know that daniel always lock he's room when sleeping.- dylan said

Just let him be and dylan,david grandma called you two I'm going upstairs.- Violet said

Alright.- The two boys said and walk away and violet go upstairs


(Huh!? how!? when!? since when!!).- daniel said screaming in thought


I like you daniel park, please answer me.- Johan said blushing.

W-what.- daniel said

Johan just look at him in Embarrassment

Y-you want my answer?. daniel ask

Johan just nodded

O-oh.- daniel short respond.

He can't even escape this situation since johan pinned him down on he's own bed and lock he's both hand on top of he's head he can't even move a bit, he tried to break free from johan but johan hold he's hand tight enough so he can't escape daniel has no choice but to answer.

I'm sorry but...I think i need time to think about it.- Daniel said looking away from johan cause of embassment, Johan saw this and smile abit and he let himself fall in top of daniel and hug him that he made daniy startled from he's sudden action.

J-johan?.- daniel ask

I'm glad that you didn't rejected me.- johan said and all of the sudden johan kissed Daniel neck and bite it.

Ngh...- daniel moan in low voice that only johan and him can hear. daniel was shock from what just came out of he's mouth. Johan on the other hand just smirk

I wish i could hear more.- after Johan said that Daniel blush really hard and cover he's face right away, Johan just giggles.

S-shut up...and go to sleep.- daniel said looking away.

Yes pup i will.- Johan said and breaks the hug and lay down in daniel left side and he hold Daniel by he's waist.

Your waist is small...but the fact that i like it.- johan said and tighten he's grip around daniel, daniel didn't complain because he was very embarrass, daniel didn't said yes or no but johan act like he's answer was a yes.
Minutes pass daniel already went to sleep and same to johan.


(Ahh!!!!).- daniel scream in he's head after that he calm himself and let go of he's own hair after that he place he's both hand on he's face.

(What am i going to do...Johan confess last night, jay confess a month ago, Jack confess too and the others too!..My mind was going crazy because many of them confess.........No i said that wrong i mean ALL OF THEM!!!! how in the actual hell i caught all of their attention!!, there's a dosen of hot and beautiful girl outside! why they pick me!!).- daniel said still screaming in he's head then he "sign"

(DG even gave me 20 million just to accept he's confession, he even said that he would gave me more than that if i accept he's love...he is crazy, 20 million of course i didn't accept it, i just tell him the same as i tell to johan last night, he even pouted at me it was weird to see that the legend act like a child).- daniel said in thought.

Daniel calm himself again and remove he's own hands on he's face, after that he turn around and saw johan of he's side staring at him then johan hug Daniel, not that tight and Daniel let him be.

Dylan, david and violet already came back minutes ago and they saw johan hug Daniel in all if the sudden they really expect that Daniel will push him away but he let him be.

Dylan are you sure that you didn't hear anything last night?.- david ask.

Y-yeah, i-im sure.- dylan said look at johan and daniel

Violet in the other hand don't know how to react.

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