Chapter 1

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This is the 4th time in the year that they have moved me to a new house. After about 10 years of constantly moving from one house to the next it doesn't bother me any more. According to my service worker this is my new family witch means no more moving for me. It looks like I will be able to spend my summer break and all of senior year in peace. I hope.

On my way to my new home I can't help but to think about the little I know about what what used to be my family and what we would be doing if we were still together. According to my service worker my mom died after I turned 2 and my dad dissapeared a couple days after I tuned 3. No one knows what happened to him. My social worker told me that a couple hours after my dad disappeared my old neighbours had called child services because they had heard me crying and calling out for my dad. She was the service worker that was called to pick me up that day and ever since then she has been my social worker and has been working on my case. That's all she tells me but I know that there is more to the story that she is not telling me. Her name is Sonia but I call her Sunny. She is the most amazing person I have ever met. When I was younger she used to tell me that if she could she would take me in and adopt me but he wasn't aloud to. I wonder if we are almost to my new home?
"Hey Sunny are we there yet?"
"Just 10 more minutes Faith.''
"Ok, do you think that they will let me keep my last name?"
"Honestly I don't know but you can ask when we get there."
"Ok and are we there yet?"
"Yes in fact we are already here."

The house looked really nice from the outside. I was a 2 story house and it was pretty big. It was bigger than the average house but a little smaller than a mansion. All the houses on the block looked the same except for this one and a couple others that had a beautiful white fountain front and center with a circle type driveway were cars could park.

As Sunny was parking the car in the driveway I noticed that someone was staring at us through a window from next door. They automatically realized that I had caught them staring and closed the curtains right away. That was weird. I wonder who the person was and why they were staring. For all I know it could have been some really hot guy or some old creepy pedophile/rapist. God knows that I have had enough creepy old pedophile/rapist to last more than a life time.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Sunny slam the trunk of the car shut. Looks like she had already taken my backpack out. I quickly got out of the car and made my way to Sunny who was standing by the door. The lady that opened the door was so beautiful. She looked young like if she was in er mid to late 20s. The inside of the house was just as amazing as the outside. It had white walls that were splattered with paints of different colors and the furniture was all black. It was also a two story house. I sat on one of the couches while Sunny talked to the lady. I think her name Ellanor. Like 20 minutes later they were finally done talking.

All of a sudden Sunny started walking up the stairs to the second floor. I turned to the lady and decided to talk to her.
"Excuse me but where is Sonia going?" I wasn't afraid to speak up anymore because if they tried to punish me I could actually fight back now.
"She went put your bag up in your room and to use the bathroom. Oh and call me Ella."
"What's your full name."
"It's Faith Carmen De La Luz Toreto."
Just as I finished telling her Sunny walked into the room and Ella send me up to me room so that I could have a look around and see if I liked it.

It was pretty big. It had violet walls. It wasn't to dark or to light. All the furniture was black including my vanity. It had hard wood floors. There was also an en suite bathroom and a walk in closet. My favorite part of the room was the window because it had one of those window seat things. It was perfect for when I felt like drawing or if I needed to sneak out. I decided to check out the closet to see how big it was. When I opened it to say I was shocked was an understatement.

The closet was already full of clothes. The clothes in the front were all dark colors like blue, burgundy, black, and my all time favorite violet. In the back were all the light colored girly clothes that the old me would have loved but new me wouldn't be caught dead in. The entire back wall was dedicated to shoes. Sneakers, heels, and boots all in various colors and styles. There was also a small island in the middle. They side facing the back wall had a safe. The left side had four drawers witch contained underwear, socks, and some pajamas. The right side had four leather jackets hanging from a bar. They were black, white, grey, and a caramel brown color. There was enough space for two more jackets. Overall the entire room was amazing.

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