First Meet

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Mon's POV

'get up!, get up!, get up!' I mentally scold myself with my eyes closed. It's legit the beginning of the month and I already feel exhausted! I don't even remember doing so much.. All I know is that I've graduated University. I mean like, FINALLY.. 

It was about time. Speaking of time, what time is it? If I could just open my eyes to check.. It wouldn't hurt to do so right?

*Checks phone*

'Oh it's only 9 am..' I said and closed my eyes again

"9 AM?!" I yelled in shocked

"SHIT, I'm late for my first day!"


'shit shit shit shittt' I was scolding myself while I make my way to the office

And there, bunch of busy workers running from here to there. I couldn't keep my eye in one place.


my head started to stop spinning when I heard that deep scary voice. Then I turned to see who it was.

"And you are?"

I gulp and looked at her with my eyes wide open.. Words won't seem to cooperate with me because all I did was look at her and not give an answer.

"You are?!" She asked again but this time, angrier

bringing me back to my senses, "Mo-Mon!" I slightly yelled

"Come into my office." She strictly said and went inside to her office.

I hesitated but went for it instead

"So you're Mon? The new staff." she asked while she sits on her elegant chair

my eyes followed every movement she did. Her eyes shooting right through me like she was about to eat me alive. 

She has this very classy, elegant style that everyone would think she's a millionaire. Maybe she is? who knows. Her long silky brown hair drops so perfectly smooth behind her back. And the way she sits and talk. sends shiver down my spine. WHAT IS THIS WOMAN? I asked myself.

back to earth Mon!

Ye-yeah" I shyly said

"You're late" She said firmly

'Great, On your first day of work.' I mentally scold myself again 

"I'm so sorry, it won't happen again" I sincerely said

"Make sure." She firmly said making me gulped

"Look for Yuki outside, she'll guide you through your first day." She informed me and I nod as a respond.

I made my way out as quickly as I can. Trying to avoid making another conversation with her.

As I made it out, I bump into another girl, Hair wavy and long, brown eyes and a very vert cute style.

"Oh sorry!" we both said

I chuckled upon hearing us apologize at the same time

"You look new.." she asked

"Yahh, Mon's the name" I said

"Oh you're Mon!" She said a little shocked

"..I'm Yuki!" she continued

"Oh Great, ahh the woman inside, she told me to look for you? She mentioned you would guide me on my first day" I said while pointing at the door

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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