Chapter 13 "Promises."

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I'm all for Nina and Flash trying to help and trying to help make this mafia for the better. But I'm tired of them trying to take over.

I'm tired of being not the final decision when it comes to making decisions.

I made this fucking place. If it wasn't for me Flash would've never seen Nina again. And if I didn't show up at his apartment that day he would've still been drinking.

I fucking made them possible again.

I told Bailey all this and he said he needed a second to think. And went into his room and locked tHe door. So now I'm waiting outside his door.


he's fucking nuts right? Am I the only one with my mouth dropped?

Are we gonna ignore the fact that if I didn't tell everyone about her and introduce her to everyone she wouldn't even have been in the group.

He just can't admit he was in love with Nina too. Grow some balls and just admit how much you regret not flirting with Nina first.

I roll my eyes as I want to scream into my pillow and do backflips around the room. Because of how funny I am.

" Bailey?" I hear Ace's annoyed voice through the door and it makes me genuinely want to giggle.

Like it's funny how mad he is about this. " he created them" please.

" Go talk to Nyah, I don't have time for your bullshit." I say turning up my tv.

" oh fuck you Bailey!" Ace yells through the door then hitting it with his hand.

" You paid for the door dick! Hit it all you want!" I yell back putting my neck pillow on and grabbing my hot Cheetos out of my night stand drawer. I turn back to the TV to see Elena and Damon meet for the first time. #vampire diaries for life.


Marcos coming today. Thomas said that he needs to see him or he won't talk to me.

And I know what he's trying to do. He knew me and Marco "talked." He's just trying to get under Flash's skin. It's not gonna work.

I love flash. And that's not gonna change.

10 minutes later

Marco and Thomas sat at a table and talked to each other, only the deal was we couldn't listen. And they made sure of that because Marcos' friend stands behind us making sure we don't turn on the microphone to the interrogation room.

" you're Nina, correct?" Marcos' friend says. I'm used to the accents. But this is different. My guess would be he's Italian.

" correct." I respond by not looking back. Flash stands by my side. I can tell he's on edge by the way he's gripping his gun that's held by his belt.

" You and Marco date?" He asks and I almost turn my head about to give him a reaction but I don't.

" No, me and Flash are together." I respond and Flash looks over at Marcos' friend with a smirk then looks back at Thomas and Marco.

" So are you free tonight?" He asks and flash's head whips towards him so fast I would've thought it broke.

Instead of getting jealous like he knows I hate. He waits for my reaction but I know it's killing him. By the way his hand makes a fist.

I turn around finally facing the man. I walk towards him. Putting my hand on his chest.

"I have to let you in on something." I say and he leans down.

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