jealousy jealousy🎶

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Norm:you must be tired Aonung,you can rest but someone will have to stay with you and rai'uk
Aonung: why rai'uk need to stay here?
Norm:To change your bandages and check for accidents
Neteyam: I will stay with them norm
Norm: okay everybody out

there were only neteyam, aonung and rai'uk in the tent now.
Rai'uk was tidying up and cleaning everything they had left before,Aonung and neteyam were lying close together, neteyam had his head on Aonung's chest and they were holding hands.

Aonung:How long have you been doing this?
Rai'uk:this what?
Aonung:You and your family, putting on bandages, drawing bullets and stuff like that
Rai'uk:oh it's almost a year,Only my siblings and I do it
Neteyam: ...
Rai'uk:are you a couple?

No answer. Neteyam and Aonung had not yet formalized their relationship with an engagement.

Rai'uk:mh okay

Rail'uk stops doing what it was doing and goes close to the other two.

Rai'uk:Do you want to be alone?
Neteyam:you can't leave us
Rai'uk:who say that?

Rai'uk was already walking out of the tent.

Rai'uk:I don't know this norm, maybe one day you will present him to me

Neteyam and Aonung look at each other and laugh, neteyam puts his hand on Aonung's wound.

Neteyam:how's it going here?
Aonung:Painful, now I can understand you

Aonung places his hand on his beloved's cheek.

Aonung: I was scared to leave you

Neteyam doesn't answer, the only thing that can be seen is a tear running down his cheek.

Aonung:please don't cry
Neteyam: ... I was scared to lost you
Aonung: I will not leave you,ever,after this I think that no one will ever be able to separate us

After this sentence, the two were about to kiss but a twinge in Aonung's wound interrupted them.

Aonung: ah- my wound
Neteyam:what happened?

Aonung didn't care about the pain now.

Neteyam:but you're bleeding
Aonung: I don't care
Aonung:ohhh call Rai'uk

Neteyam leaves the boy in the tent and goes to look for rai'uk, after a couple of minutes they enter the tent again and find Aonung full of blood.

Neteyam:oh my gosh- norm!

Norm got scared and hurried to the tent.

Aonung:the open...

Aonung covered the wound with his hands, he was lying on the ground in pain.

Norm:I have to remove the thread from before and sew again

Neteyam who was near the tent entrance runs up to Aonung and takes his hand.

Neteyam:Stay calm, everything will be fine

Aonung was thinking that it couldn't fit both times, but also that the bullet was there now;he was afraid to leave his boy without giving him one last kiss first.

Aonung: neteyam
Neteyam: don't close your eyes Aonung, stay with me
Aonung:Is it long to finish?
Neteyam: it's almost done

Norm was hurrying as fast as he could.

Norm:finished,now explain to me how this happened
Rai'uk: it's my fault... I leaved them alone
Norm:and what happened when you two were alone??
Neteyam:we were close and Aonung's wound started to hurt,so I went out to search rai'uk and when we arrived here we saw aonung covered of blood
Norm:okay I don't wanna know nothing more, Rai'uk you can go, I will stay with aonung

neteyam lifts aonung's head off the ground and rests it on his lap.
norm looks at you weird.

Neteyam: what?
Norm:you two?

Norm pronounces the last words pointing to the two, first one then the other and repeats.

Neteyam:you wanna know too much my friend

Norm makes a bored face and starts packing away all his gear.
Meanwhile aonung and neteyam hugged, kissed and cuddled,right in front of the adult.

Norm:can you guys stop please?
Neteyam:if you leave us alone You won't have to see us
Norm:No no this is a deception, then you will do something else and probably the blame will go to me

Neteyam widens his eyes and let his jaw drop.

Norm: don't lie to me boy,and now shut up please

Neteyam and aonung look at each other with surprised faces.

Aonung:maybe my mom wanna see me
Aonung:call her? Please
Norm:okay but don't do nothing when I'm out

Norm goes outside the tent.

Aonung:We can't do anything in 5 minutes anyways

Neteyam turns his face from aonung and looks at him with a smile on his face and with an expression that says: you're crossing the line, I didn't expect that from you.

Aonung:It is the truth! Don't look at me like that!

Neteyam turns his face and says nothing, aonung still had his head on neteyam's legs who kept touching his face and hair.
After a while, norm comes back with a worried Ronal.


The woman throws herself on her son and hug him.

Aonung:mom I'm okay!
Ronal:Ohh thank you norm

Ronal:Did you stay with him the whole time?
Ronal:Thank to you too,aonung your father and sister wanna see you
Aonung:then let them in

Ronal goes to get her husband and daughter and lets them in.

Tonowari: hey son
Aonung:hi dad

Tonowari was smiling a lot to see his son in better condition.


Tsireya was overjoyed and ran to hug her brother, all the while neteyam watched the scene. (Periodt neteyam💅)

Tonowari:how you feeling boy?
Aonung:If I move too much the wound hurts but I'm fine
Norm: it's better for him if he stay in this tent for some days
Norm: This will prevent the wound from getting air or germs
Ronal:what do you think aonung?
Aonung:for me it's okay but I have one question,will I be alone?
Norm:Not necessarily

Aonung immediately looks at neteyam who replies with a smile.

Ronal:Do you two want to stay here?
Ronal: I will have a talk with neytiri

In case you forget, my dear readers, all of this is happening overnight.

Neteyam: it's late
Ronal:Do you want to sleep?
Ronal:Then I think we will leave you, don't worry neteyam I will convince your mother


Little spoiler:in the next chapter there will be a step forward in the relationship

I will not leave you (Aonung x Neteyam-Aounete)Where stories live. Discover now