Chapter 60-Meanwhile

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Exchanging a bashful grin, I release Thomas's forearm as we redirect our attention towards Gally, watching as he shifts his gaze towards Jorge "I need you to-", "actually, Gally" Brenda interrupts him "Jorge won't be staying with us much longer", I distort my face in confusion towards this "why not?" I investigate "I've got some business to attend to, Hermana" he replies, this only furthers my suspicion "come on, Jorge", with that Brenda turns on her heels and runs towards the map room, with Jorge following after her, Gally, drows drawn together, sighs as he adverts his attention to Frypan. "I need you to switch out all the batteries in our radios, and given that Jorge won't be of much use any longer, you need to make sure everyone's weapons are loaded and ready for tonight", with that Frypan stands taller, nodding obediently "Newt, Rose", Gally flickers his attention towards us now, I stiffen, already uncertain about my partner "I need you guys to have our uniforms laid out and ready to be dressed into as soon as we're back, alright?", nodding, Newt quickly turns and limps downstairs, I exhale heavily and turn to follow after him, preparing for a restless atmosphere. But Gally grasps my upper arm, halting me in my tracks "Rose", I send him an incredulous stare "keep an eye on him, okay?" Gally whispers in a dulcet tone "like I was gonna do anything else", I break away from his hold, glaring at him, he sighs heavily "be careful", pursing my lips together, I nod and rush down the stairs, glancing back behind my shoulder to watch as he and Thomas climb out from the saftey of our hideout and into the frigid night air, once I reach the bottom of the flight, I steer left. Confidently striding down the halls, but as I advance closer to the fourth door where the countless wracks of clothes and disguises that Gally and his men have managed to steal off of the WICKED guards they've murdered reside, I begin becoming uneasy of the inevitably approaching awkwardness I'm going to experience with Newt, I understand it's wrong, and I'm too stubborn to admit it, but for the first time in my relationship with Newt, I'm genuinely afraid, the sight of him staring ravenously towards me pounds against my shoulders, causing them to tense in apprehension, before I'm prepared, I stroll inside the room. I find he's already fumbling through the clothes, sighing heavily, I frown as I stroll towards a different wrack of WICKED uniforms, distracting my mind from last night's events "the night that Crank attacked you back in that bloody hotel, I was more scared than I've ever been in my entire life", his words startle the still atmosphere, tucking my brows together as I slide the uniforms down the railing of the wrack, I shift my gaze towards him, watching as he mindlessly fiddles with the sleeves of the uniform he's inspecting "more scared than the night the Griever's attacked. More scared than at that bloody mall, more scared than the night I lost you", I watch as his shoulders tense at the subtle mention of my demise "because every single time, I had to powerlessly watch as you witnessed unspeakable horrors that no one should witness, and I made a promise to make sure that you would never have to experince anything like that again, but last night... I broke my promise", at this I falter in my tracks, I whirl around, only to find he's already turned towards me "Thomas said you didn't remember". "I had to lie to him, I didn't want him pounding me with a million questions per second, not when I didn't want to talk about it" he explains, taking a small step towards me "so, you do remember?" I question him, although I already know the answer "I only have temporary, and not to mention quite irritable, pieces, but it left me with enough to figure out what happened" he replies, his gaze not connecting with my own, it's my chance to advance towards him with hesitant steps, gallantly ignoring the memory of last night that threaten my confidence. I halt before him, gazing up at him, waiting for him to continue "enough to realize I broke my own promise", I helplessly watch as tears begin streaking down his cheeks "oh, Newt", I lift my hand, bolstering his cheek as I caress him in a comforting manner "I thought I had seen it all, but nothing, not even your own death, was more excruciating than to see your terrified face invade my thoughts as I finally broke free of my craze", I detect my own tears accumulating around my peripherals "it's not your fault, Newt" I feebly attempt to comfort him. "How can you even say that? I hurt you, Rose, I wanted to sink my teeth into you like some feral animal" he snaps "you tried getting me away from you, even in your craze you thought for my safety first, I was just too stubborn to leave you" I defend him "why didn't you leave? If you had, this never would've happened!" He exclaims, I refrain from retreating away from him, understanding it would only aggravate his guilt "this never would've happened if I hadn't tried healing you in the first place!" I retaliate, he grows quite. Allowing my words to have effect upon him "this is all my fault", I detect streams of my tears streaking down my cheeks, but I allow them to, emotionally collapsing before him "I'm the reason your sick in the first place, I'm the reason you got worse and I'm the reason you didn't want to tell anyone when you figured out what was going on, it was all me!" I wail, realization becomes apparent upon his features "that's the only reason you're getting worse! It's because I'm too stubborn to accept that there's nothing I can do to fix you!".

Author's info- Hello, reader! BOOM! Another great chapter, man, this us getting heated and I hate it. But you know, this chapter is very important. I know I say that about all of them but this one is especially important. This is the moment Rose finally realizes there is no hope for Newt. I know. I am trying not to cry right now. But it's true. Rose is finally unleashing all the bottled emotions that she has been trying to conceal from the group. And this won't be the last time she does this. Except when this happens again, she will definitely be broken. But I am getting ahead of myself, I know this chapter is a sad one but I hope you liked it. So Newt does remember, and he is finally explaining why he is so protective of Rose in this one, and he is also realizing how broken Rose is no matter what he does to prevent it. Not to mention hearing her basically give up on him because of her guilt. To make up for it I am gonna have a tender moment between them, and I will be putting a small bonus in there for you guys! Hope you guys are loving the book, even though we are all not prepared for what is gonna happen next! I love you all! Later reader!

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