You wouldn't leave me right? CA/TX

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Very vague mention of past trauma

Texas and California were insecure in their own ways. Texas had a horrible father, and so did California, but his had at least made attempts to become better.

Due to their past relationships or how they were raised they both had their issues.

The two didn't really know how to tell each other they loved one another apart from doing things that were primarily "friendly", the two were extremely touch starved, as well as having some abandonment issues.

This morning the two we're getting ready in the bathroom with California telling Texas skin care stuff and how it's important for him to try doing a routine.

Texas knew California could leave him whenever, play his heart like a violin, and then dip when he finally felt safe.

California was scared texas would leave them for someone else. Someone who was nicer, prettier, less annoying, more agreeable, less sensitive, and way less traumatized.

Though they had agreed to try to tell each other about when they felt concerns about their relationship.

"You wouldn't leave me right out of nowhere right?"

"You'd never leave me for someone else right?"

The two states at each other. They always were scared something would fail so they either pushed their concerns down with fear of either thinking that it's not "valid" or it's "dumb".

"Babe you know id never do that."

"I know darling. I wouldn't leave you either."

"Texas I'm sorry if I didn't make it obvious that I wouldn't leave you for no reason."

"I'm sorry i didn't make it obvious either."

The two decided to take things incredibly slow, out of fear if they went too fast they'd crash and burn, or disrespect boundaries.

"Can I get a hug."

"Sure Bonnie."

Texas could never take care of himself and California constantly needed everything to be ideal so with the help of california, the Texan has learned some things about how to take care of himself.

As mentioned before the two were very touch starved, so hugs were something that they both treasured and held for what may have been considered "too long".

Californias hair was soft and Texas likes soft stuff, so he gently ran his fingers through his partners hair.

"Your the best partner I could ask for poppy."

"You too lacy."

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