12 - Reunion

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I took a glimpse at my calendar and the feeling of dread washes over my face. I had dinner with my parents tonight. I remember telling my mom that I'd call her later after she visited and I did.

So we decided to set the date for it and I just said yes without thinking. I'm not necessarily scared because of them but because of what they're going to do.

I turned my phone on and just as I thought...

'We have someone we'd like you to meet,' my mom messaged. 'Hopefully you'll find him suitable <3'

I groaned out loud and let my phone fall back to my dresser and shoved my head under my pillow.

I heard a chuckle, as fingers drew lines behind my back before stopping just below my waist. "You okay?"

I un-shoved my head just to look at her. Maddie was sitting on the bed, her legs still under the covers, her hands keeping her upper body steady. Her translucent nightgown covered just enough of her body. Her messy red hair and the way she yawned.

That's when something clicked in my head.

"Mads!" I pushed her down the bed and she shrieked in surprise.

"Yeah?" She had a worried smile on her face.

"Would you like to join me tonight?" I gave her a pleading expression with my biggest puppy dog eyes.

"Huh?" She laughed and pinched my cheeks, playing around with it. "What's going on tonight?"

"Ish my parents." I replied through my cheeks being pulled. "They wanna get me in with a guy."

Maddie stopped playing with my cheek and raised her eyebrow. "But aren't you mine?" She teased.

I leaned in and pecked her lips. "Obviously." I shuffled out of the bed and dressed myself up. "I think today's the day."

Maddie froze as she was leaving the bed as well. She looked at me, the concern clearly in her eyes. "Are you sure Tay?"

I pursed my lips and faced her, trying to hide my nervousness. "I don't want to hide it any longer...for many reasons as well..."

Maddie rushed and hugged me from the back. "If that's what you decided then I'll be there to support you... through thick and thin." She kissed the hair that fell down the side of my head. "Whatever happens, Tay, you can always lean on me."

"Thanks girl." I leaned my head on her shoulder and she hugged me tighter.

"So... What should we wear?" She brightened the topic to cheer me up.

I smirked and turned to kiss her hand. "The best we've ever done." She patted my head while chuckling. I sat down in front of the dresser table as Maddie ruffled around my closet.

"Then leave it to me." Maddie had a determined air surrounding her. She was ready to style us today to the best of her abilities. I love seeing her so excited.

I remember just a few days ago she came out of the library in tears and stumbling. She hasn't told me the reason yet so I'm worried. Maddie rarely hides anything from me but I guess what happened inside is something she wants to tackle alone and I should trust her on that.

If she ever cries like that again though, I'll be sure to lend her my entire body as a handkerchief to dry her tears. Although I'm kinda scared that tonight might end horribly with my parents expecting so much from me and I will have to hide within her respite instead.

Maddie might've noticed my moody expression so she approached me and hugged me once again, letting my head rest on her chest.

"I know you more than you do, Tay." She muttered. "I can see when you're worried or when you're in pain even when you yourself can't. You don't have to be strong all the time, that's why I'm here."

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