Chapter 75 ( Shane ) making love

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I shouldn't have agreed .
But I did .
Now she wants me to tell her why I don't  believe in love . I remember the night I started to feel that way and then it just got worster .

I never thought I would tell anyone .
But she is asking and I-know she is right I am closed down.
Telling her this will prove that I am opening up and maybe she won't go out of town with Arron .

If I just don't tell her or get mad then she most definitely will go out of town with the jerk Arron .

              " please tell me " she ask
I don't want to let her down , I want her to think well of me. So I am going to tell her everything the whole thing .

      " Ok I can remember like it was yesterday " I tell her

My mind goes back to a place  a place I hate but I know is real .

          " Remember the last family vacation we was on together "  I ask

      " of course " she replys and puts her hair behind her ear

             " Well that last night changed me " I say

She looks at me and I can tell she gonna make me say it all but I guess if I had to tell someone it should be her I know I can trust her .

         " I seen something I shouldn't had something I wish I hadn't " I state

It is hard for me to breathe thinking about it but I have to tell her and let her know then maybe she won't go with Arron

           " I walked in on my father he was sleeping with a woman who was  not my mother " I tell her
And I pause and loook down at my fingers and play with them

Kendall takes my hand and says

          " That is horrible but you can't just let it ruin your out look on love "

        " It not just that . When I told my mom she didn't care I found out they have a open marriage , either one of them can sleep with who ever as long as afterwords they tell each other .
I was just a kid but I did believe in love in marriage .
At 1 st my parents was like it was not  a big deal and actually mad at how I reacted . They acted like I was the one in the wrong . So I rebelled I guess .
I got mad and thought why does it matter if people will do this and these people I love and I thought I knew and they always seem to be in love "'I tell her

I am shakeing now and she notices because she holds my hand steady

        " That night I met that girl it was that night I just wanted to do something and to feel something better , but it was awful .  "'I admit

" My folks was mad as I am sure you remember but it was to do with that I found out and I kept asking them why " I say

        " It was hard I couldn't wrap my head around it so that when I started I guess treating my folks bad and then they started basically kissing me up my ass" I add

         " Shane " she says
I see sympathy in her eyes

           " Kendall I just snapped because I figured if my folks can't make it work and it looked like they did then it is not real and everyone is playing everyone .so I started going out sleeping with who ever never had a girlfriend because it didn't matter and  I was short temper with my folks especially and Jessica I kept this from her so I guess that is why she still can be so open to love .
I used sex because I thought people need it but I also didn't want to get hurt so I wouldn't Let myself get to close . My folks even made me go to a therapist , I wouldn't open up but they told her what had happened and so she talked about I told my therapist I would have ended up like this anyway but that is a lie. Before all this I believed in love I wanted love I want it so much but I was not going to rush it but God knows I wanted it so I just changed thinking no one could really love just because my folks did "
I say

I start to cry and I don't even care . It is not like Kendall is going to say anything mean to me .

She puts her small hand on my cheek and gently lifts my face until she is looking me in my eyes

            " It is ok " she says
Then She leans in and kiss me .
Our mouths open and I am in paradise.
I was took by surprise but it is nice our tongues are moving with each other perfectly.
I lean her back so I am leaning over her .

         " Kendall "'I whisper

And kiss her again  my hand is on her neck as I kiss her so hard and turning my hand in between  kisses
    I say
               " I have missed this so much so f**king much"
She just keeps on kissing me .

I move my hand to her breast and I cup one
She moans

    She reaches down and grabs my member .
Does she want to do it .

I was not going to push it
But I sure do want to .

I am leaning my weight on one of my arms while the other is still massaging her breast .

              "Do you  want to "
I ask as I pull back
She nods
And says
          " yes " and she is all out of breath
And some how that turns me on more . I was actually hard by the 1 st kiss then we she touched me. I really got there and now I am so ready .
I lean up and take off her shirt and say

          " perfect " she giggles and then she reaches up and takes off my shirt .

           She starts kissing me all over my chest and she feels all over my body and then she kisses on the way down .
I feel like I may pass out just thinking what she might do . She plays with string in my pants
She then takes off my pants .
And then She pulls down my boxers .
She makes a noise but I don't know what it means

         " my turn " I say
And I pull her and gently let her fall on the bed
She laughs and I quickly take off her pj bottoms and her panties
       I take a second to look at her she really is perfect. I grab a rubber out of my pj pants pocket , I didn't think we was gonna do it but I had to be prepared in case .
Then I thrust myself in her and. She lets out a cute noise .
It feels so warm and I  never want to get out of her .
I pushed myself in further and I hear her joyful noise

She moves her hips the she leans ups and we move in nsync .
It is so hot our bodies feel like they are glued together .
We are moving slow but it feel so good . The frinction is a whole another level .

         " It is so f**king good " I say
It only gets better with every movement .

It is always good but this is different this is closer than close .
We kiss as we move I feel her ass and push her toward me and there is no space but somehow it move us from the inside and with in seconds  I let my self released and then she does too.
We can't hardly breathe as we fall onto the bed .
I look at her and she is so sexy

          " So dose this mean you will not go with Arron to out of town " I ask

       She laughs And then she says

         " No I am not going with Arron anywhere "
I smile .
Sex with Kendall is always good and better than with anyone else but this was different like it felt personal like maybe  it would be called making love

Who would have thought opening up would lead to this .

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