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Freen woke up from her alarm and began her day as usual. Waking up, eating while doing research and then training.

Since the day where her family died freen never smiled and focus herself on training and plotting revenge. She smile but only for a reason, to mask any genuine emotion. She tires herself everyday and always push herself to it's limit.

After her training she then showers and look at their family picture as usual. She cant help herself but cry until she falls asleep. This has been her routine for the past 10 years.

Freens alarm went off as usual. She stretched her arm while having the brightest smile and excitedly went downstairs to greet her family.

She saw her mother preparing for their breakfast and went to hug her.

Freen: (hugging her mother)  Good morning mom. I love you so much.

M: Good morning my darling. You look very happy today. (while kissing her daughters forehead.)

Freen kissed her mother's cheek as a response.

She saw her father on his laptop while drinking coffee and went on his lap to sit and hugged his Father with so much happiness and energy.

Freen: Good morning dad. I love you and I'm happy to see u.

D: Good morning baby. I really like you being energetic and happy as always. I missed you so much my baby. (While pinching freens cheek)

Freen: (annoyed) Dad stop!! I'm no longer a baby. Im turning 12 next week.

D: I know, I know. It's just that my baby is growing fast. I hate it. Even if your 25 or 35 your are still my baby. (pinching freens nose) Can you please wake your brother up so that you won't be late at school.

Freen nodded and went to her brother's room happily and jump on his bed.

Freen: big brother!!! wake up.. Dad just came home and he to told me to wake you up. (pulling his older brother's blanket)

John: Haiisst! (pulling back the blanket) little sis can you please come back after 5 minutes.

Freen:( smiling while poking her brother's cheeks ) c'mon big brother wake up wake up!! we're going to school. Please!!

John: urgghhh!! fine, fine.. I'm awake.. I'm awake..

Freen shouted happily and kiss her older brother goodmorning. His brother then pinch her cheeck and greeted her as well.

[End of flashback]

Freen is now 22 and its been 10 years since her parents died. Hatred, anger is the only emotion she felt since then.

She witnessed everything. How they killed her whole family while hiding inside a small cabinet, the very reason why she's claustrophobic.

Her grandma is the only living relative left and she's in a wheelchair. Her grandma trained Freen and thought her to fight and handle their business properly to avenge what happened to their family.

Her training included martial arts, military and advances in academics. Chankimha is one of the richest and successful business owner in Asia.

Her grandma thought her 4 rules that she should follow in order to maintain indepency and to stay focus on her mission.

1. Never be attach to anyone. The moment you feel like you like them or care for them, leave them. People around you should only be useful to you without any attachments or feelings. Don't let those feeling grow.

2. Never show your emotions and intentions. Always have self restraint. Don't attract much attention.

3. Never open up to anyone. Never show your weakness. Never ask for help even if you badly need it. Keep everything to yourself no matter how hard it gets.

4. Keep your mind and your body healthy. If you want to fulfill your mission you should know how to take care of yourself.

This were the rules that was engraved in her mind. There's one exception though he has her best friend Kirk who is her body guard and helping hand. Kirk is her only best friend who endured training with her. The only person who knew the story of Freen Sarocha Chankimha.

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