13 - Waiting

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To be completely honest, I was scared. My hands kept themselves steady when it held Taylor's but the moment she left, it trembled and shook like no tomorrow.

There she was, walking into the lion's den ready to face the greatest hurdle she will ever confront. I was willing to support her the entire way, but I had a feeling that she wanted to do this on her own.

I stared at her back as she approached the table with her parents in it, as well as the random guy she was going to meet. I sat by the waiting table inside, casually observing them from afar and waiting for Taylor's signal.

My palms started to sweat the moment she sat down. The atmosphere around them seemed thick and uncomfortable. I worried for her and it looked like she was annoyed. She sipped her drink close to her chest and slowly, which she only did if she was miffed. She doesn't know she does that though.

I perused my purse and brought out my phone, to keep me distracted whilst waiting for her signal to come closer.

I know how hard it was like to pull the words from your chest and let it out of your mouth. The anxiety and the fear wanting to eat you inside out and each voice in your head telling you to back out.

I know what it's like to not know what your family is gonna think and the unease that after you come out, their perception and the way they act to you will change drastically.

But every situation is different, we may have similarities but I'm sure how she's gonna go about it is very different from mine. I only hope that they accept her for who she is. I don't really care whether they like me or not.

I just want her to be happy.

"Excuse me." A waitress came over to the waiting table to talk to me. "We have a table ready, in case you want to take a seat already."

I shook my head and raised my hands in refusal. "Oh. Don't mind me...I'm waiting for someone." I explained.

The waitress's eyebrows furrowed. "At what time do you expect their arrival, ma'am?"

I looked towards Taylor's direction again. "A couple of minutes, I suppose." I smiled at her and she backed away a bit, her ears a bit pink.

"Uhh..." The troubled look of the server slowly softened and she blinked. "W-Well then, Ma'am." Her voice sharpened. "Call me if you need anything." She tip-toed away back to the kitchen.

I was a bit confused at her reaction and even giggled to myself because of it. The waitress was adorable as she kinda stuttered on her words. Taylor's still cuter of course.

I wallowed in my own solitude as I continued to watch her from far away. I tease her a lot about being clingy but I am exactly the same as her. I want to be there for her like she was for me when I was the one going through this.

I do feel like she wants to overcome this whole ordeal alone but I can't help but feel protective of her. I don't wanna see her get hurt.

Then piercing through the noise and the busy humming of the restaurant, was her laugh. Taylor laughed.

She had this amused look on her face as she addressed the guy who sat next to her.

I felt my heart stop.

I know I shouldn't be jealous, and that I'm being stupid and crazy but the imagery of Jamie in that chair kissing that guy I've never seen before still runs through my head.

I clenched my fists, wincing each time I saw their bodies touch.

I can't help but feel this pit in my stomach and the trauma of what happened that day returning like a hurricane crashing over me. I held my skirt tightly, creasing the once neatly worn fabric.

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