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The alarm clock on my phone continued to make that annoying noise until I finally got enough strength to turn it off.

I sat up and moved my "mane" away from my eyes, rubbing them in the process, removing any eye crust that was in the way.

After Tyga dropped me off home I took a nice, long, warm shower and went straight to sleep.

I reached over and grabbed my phone peeping all my notifications. It was the usual, Instagram alerts, wattpad updates, and kik's from strangers from instagram.

On Instagram I'm really popular. I have over 70K followers. But its just a social media app. Sometimes i wish it could like that on real life.

When i scrolled all the way down till i couldn't scroll anymore i saw a text message from an unknown number.

The message read

Goodmorning beautiful. We should do something today. Anything you like. It was coo hanging out with you yesterday. Call me when you wake up.

I smiled a big smile already knowing that its tyga. I was confused a little though. How'd he get my number? And why did he end the text with a letter M instead of T?

I clicked on his contact and tapped on the call button. Putting the phone to my ear it rung twice before i heard his deep voice


"Hey" All i could do is smile and we've only been on the phone for two seconds

"Oh Wassup Faith" he answerd. I can feel that he was smiling as well

" Nothin much i just woke up, so how'd you get my number" I raised an eyebrow and smirked awaiting for his response

" I stole it when you got up to go to the bathroom at the restaurant" He laughed and i joined

"Mhm. Well i really appreciated the text you sent me this morning. Nobody has ever said something like that to me before"

"It aint no thang. Can i come over? Its kinda lonely in this house"

I stayed quiet for a bit. Even though we did just meet yesterday, it seemed like we knew each other for years.

" Um... Sure thats fine. Let me hop in the shower. I'll text you the address"

"Alright fasho"

"Ok bye tyga"

"Call me Michael"

I smiled as i heard the 3 beeps signaling that he hung up. So thats his name. It fits him. I quickly texted him my address and ran to the bathroom not bothering to close the door.

I quickly undressed myself and turned on the shower jumping in almost falling straight in my butt.

I stayed in for about 30 minutes and got out running back to my room.

I swear to you i almost died when I saw Tyga, I mean Michael, laying on my bed doing whatever on his phone.

He looked at me and laughed. I honestly don't know whats funny. The fact that im scared shitless or the fact that he easily just walked into my house and layed in my bed like it was nothing

"You know, you should really start locking your doors" he said

The door wasn't locked?? Wow.

"I'll think about it."

After sending him a quick slight smirk I walked into my closet and picked out what i was going to wear. I picked some tan high waisted pants, and a Bob Marley crop crew neck that was mostly white with red tan and black.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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