Season 9 Episode 2: Devil May Care

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Dean was laid out on the picnic table with his eyes closed. "Hey, sleeping beauty" Robin snapped.

"Well, aren't you supposed to wake me with a kiss" he chuckled to himself.

She stepped on the bench seat and leaned down to kiss him. He reached up and pulled her down, he stopped for just a second to tell his brother to leave.

Robin shook her head, "Not only am I a better kisser than prince charming, I bring coffee too."

"Truly is a fairytale" Dean huffed as he took his cup and the three sat down at the table.

"As much as I love being your third wheel" Sam cringed.

"Sorry Sammy" Robin sighed.

"I'm not" Dean chimed in.

"So, you were saying" Sam ignored his brother's reply. "So, what, Cas is human?"

"Ish" Dean shrugged. "I mean, he's got no Grace, no wings, no... harp, whatever the hell else he had."

"Okay" Sam nodded. "Where'd he crash-land?"

"Called me from a pay phone from Longmont, Colorado" Dean nodded. "I told him just to make for the bunker."

"Well, you think he can handle a road trip like that" Sam asked with concern?

"We do realize I've had to rescue him before when he lost his mojo right" Robin asked?

"When" Sam looked at her?

"Remember when he and I killed Pestilence" she replied?

"Yeah" Dean nodded.

"I zapped him there" She nodded with pride.

"When you guys got to me after Lucifer took Sammy" Dean added?

"Oh yeah" Robin nodded, "Cas was runnin on empty, that was all me."

"Funny to think of the times that Robin had us fooled" Sam shook his head.

"I have a weird friendship with Cas" she nodded.

"Right now we have bigger worries" Dean nodded.

"The fallen angels" Sam asked?

"Yeah. I mean, thanks to Metatron, we now have a couple of thousand confused loose nukes walking around down here" Dean sighed.

"What do you think they're gonna do" Sam asked?

"I'd guess go into survival mode" Robin nodded. "Which in some cases might be real bad."

"What about Crowley" Sam asked Dean? "You, uh..." Sam made a slashing gesture across his throat?

"I would've loved nothing better than to ice that limey bitch" Dean replied.

"Get in line" Robin growled as she sipped her coffee. Both of them looked at her in surprise. "What? How are you shocked? Dude turned me into a mini-van driving stepford wife in a sundress."

"I liked the sundress" Dean grinned.

"Honestly I sorta liked the sundress" Robin admitted with a shrug.

Dean chuckled and returned to the topic at hand. "But then I thought to myself, what would Sam Winchester do?"

"I'd've stabbed him in the brain" Sam nodded calmly.

Robin chuckled.

"Oh" Dean paused in surprise. "Well, I figured the King of Hell might know a few things, so why not Zero Dark Thirty his ass?"

The three walked over to the impala where Crowley was bound and gagged. A devil's trap was painted on the hood of the trunk, rendering him powerless.

"I assume you're planning to take his ass back to the bunker" Robin pursed her lips as she glared down at Crowley?

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