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Jaehyun and Yuta entered the room with Jungwoo following

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Jaehyun and Yuta entered the room with Jungwoo following. Jaehyun had called him after Jihwa agreed to come along peacefully.

On the way Yuta had called Taeyong and told him that they had got her. And he said he would call all the teachers to come see her.

And so, them being the first, they just sat down at the table waiting for the others. Jaehyun started treating Jihwa's wounds, and she was not at all cooperating.

Jihwa: Ow!

Jaehyun: Stay still.

Jihwa: Can you be a little gentle, old man?

Jaehyun ignored her winces, and honestly he was probably putting more pressure, since he was obviously annoyed by her.

Jungwoo: So this is the girl you guys have been trying to catch.

He said taking a closer look at the girl who just stared back at him with a dead look. The dry look made Jungwoo look away.

Jaehyun: Where were you? Heard that Julie was taking care of your classes too.

He said, closing his medical kit.

Jungwoo: Taeyong had me do some business in Busan. I was just helping a close friend of his who happens to be the biggest mafia in Busan.

The two just hummed.

Jihwa: Taeyong...?

Yuta: You know him?

The girl stayed quiet and seemed to be in deep thought.

Jaehyun: You know... if you two are related, I will not be surprised. He doesn't like giving us answers too.

The door opened and a few of the teachers came in.

Doyoung: Min Jihwa?

The girl sat up, seeing the new faces and because her name was called.

Doyoung: I hope you know that a lot of us had sleepless nights because of you.

He bitterly said.

Taeil: Doyoung. Be nice.

The male just huffed and sat down.

Jihwa: Kim Dongyoung?

The male's head snapped in her direction.

Doyoung: Okay- How do you know my name?

Instead the girl turned to her right.

Jihwa: Jung Yuno?

Jaehyun's eyes widened.

Yeri: Hold up. Who is Yuno?

Jaehyun: Me...

Johnny: Then who is Jaehyun?

Doyoung: His name used to be Yuno... he changed it to Jaehyun...

He said, still looking too shocked.

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