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Kayla and Tatum were sitting in their room talking to Sidney about anything that came to mind, and at the moment, the topic was boyfriends.

"Soo Tate, how is it going with Stu?" Sidney teases the taller blonde.

"Well, he came over earlier but Kayla want to call you so he had to leave," Tatum replied while rolling her eyes at her twin

"I wanted to be able to sit in my room without having to see my sister naked" the other blonde scoffs.

"Don't get me started on you and Billy," Tatum tells her sister, who looks away to hide her blush.

"Shut up"

In the Mikaelson compound, the Mikaelsons were cooking dinner. Until Hope Mikaelson came running down the stairs.

"Have you got a lead yet?" Hope asks, even 16 years later, they are still looking for her missing Kayla.

"Nothing yet, love," Klaus Mikaelson says with a sigh.

"We will find her, Nik," Rebekah says, giving him a pat on the back. Klaus looks down sadly.

 "It's my fault Rebekah, if I hadn't been so reckless for all those years, then maybe she would still be here," Klaus mumbles sadly.

"Niklaus Mikaelson admitting something is his fault, the world must be ending," Kol Mikaelson said sarcastically as he walked into the room.

"Shut up, Kol," Rebekah scolds her brother. Before the once full room is empty


Suddenly, they were all standing in a room with a screen and a few couches scattered around the room.

"What did you do, Freya?" Klaus speaks up first.

"I did nothing," Freya yells at her brother.

"Niklaus, clam down; we are all just as confused as you," Elijah says to his brother.

 "I brought you all here." All the Mikaelsons look to be where the voice came from 

"Ayana," Rebekah says as her eyes gloss over 

" to show you the life of Kayla," Ayanna finishes 

"You found my sister." Hope speaks at the woman who practically raised her family.

"Yes, Hope, I have been watching what is meant to happen, and I thought this was the best course of action," the witch says with a soft smile, thinking of the Mikaelson girl. 

"Where was she?" Klaus asks, hoping it was better than the way he was raised. 

"She was taken to a new family; it was a good one, don't worry," the old witch says, smiling at the worried father.

"I will bring them here, but be careful; they don't know who you are or about our world," Ayanna says with a soft smile. With a click of her fingers, another group of people appear in the room and fall into the room.

"What the fuck?" a blonde girl muttered

"Langue Kayla," a girl with brown hair says to Kayla 

"We just got teleported to this room; let me swear for once, Sid," Kayla says with an eye roll

"We are here to show the life of Kayla Riley or Mikaelson," Ayana says

"Wait my life like my whole life. I don't want people to see that shit." Kayla started to rant which  was cut off by Dewey 

"Kayla Langue!" he yells at her younger sister.

"English," Kayla says with a smug smile at her brother.

"Let's all introduce ourselves. I am Elijah Mikaelson," Elijah says.

"Niklaus Mikaelson," Klaus says, still staring at his daughter, who has grown up to be beautiful

"Who names their kid Niklaus?" Kayla whispers

"Hayley Mikaelson" When she introduced herself, she held back tears. 

"Hope Mikaelson." The youngest spoke. She tried not to look at her sister, knowing that seeing her would hurt more then not.

The rest of the Mikaelsons introduced themselves. it was time for the Woodsboro people to introduce themselves

"Billy Loomis," a guy said as he put his arm around Kayla's waist. The Mikaelsons didn't like him very much.

"Stu Macher," another guy said 

"Sidney Prescott" A girl spoke up who was in-between Kayla and another girl  

"Tatum Riley," The girl next to Sidney, spoke up 

"Randy Meeks" A shortish guy said as he looked around the room.

"Dewey Riley, Tatum and Kayla's brother" A guy in a sheriff outfit told the group

"Gale weathers" After she said that, the group of girls glared at her

"Isaac Hill," a guy with shaggy hair, spoke up 

"Saving best till last," Kayla spoke up. "I am the wonderful, amazing Kayla Riley." Kayla said with jazz hand.

 "Have a seat and the movie will begin shortly." Ayanna says while clapping, which made a few couch's appear


Sidney, Kayla, Billy, Stu, Tatum and Isaac

Dewey, Gale, and Randy

Rebekah, Elijah, Hayley, Hope, Klaus, and Freya

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