What you do when he has a bad day or is sad

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Cameron Dallas: Whenever Cameron is having a bad day he's quiet. He'll silently sit on the couch playing on his phone. That's how you know when he's sad; he has a bored expression on his face and he's not his chirpy self. To make him feel better you sit down beside him on the couch and slowly take the phone out of his hands. He'll pout and reluctantly look at you, "Come here." You tell him and pull him close to your chest as he lets it all out.


Carter Reynolds: To make Carter feel better you drag him out of his bed and help him dress into some street clothes. He's usually moppy when he's in a bad and acts like a child. Once you get the right clothes on him you'll take him outside and grab both of your skateboards. You'll take his hand and lead him to the skatepark, placing the skateboard in his hands you'll kiss him on the cheek and take off riding; him eventually following you close behind.

Jack Gilinsky: When Jack is having a bad day he gives everybody the silent treatment; even if you haven't spoken to him that day. At the beginning of your relationship you didn't really know how to comfort him, but after a year of dating you knew just the thing. When he's sitting on the couch staring off into space you'll claim on top of him and straddle him, leaving him feathery kisses. When he finally looks at you you'll climb off of him and sit down beside him, kissing his cheek. "Tease." He mumbles.

Hayes Grier: When Hayes is in a bad mood or sad nobody can really tell. He hides his emotions good, but after you dating him for 8 months you knew all of his tricks to hiding his feelings. Once you realize he's in a bad mood you'll go somewhere private and pull him into a tight hug, not letting go of him until he tells you what's bothering him so you can help.


Aaron Carpenter: Everyone knows when Aaron's in a bad mood. He's not really his kind, polite self. He speaks his mind more and he's brutally honest. To calm him down you take him away from people and kiss him lightly, "Will you please stop being a jerk to people?" Aaron will mumble stuff when you ask him. "What if I hold your hand all day?" You tease. Aaron will crack a smile and nod.

Taylor Caniff: When Taylor is having a bad day he'll go straight to bed when he gets home. He'll lay flat on his stomach and not say a word. To get him to feel a little better you'll straddle his back and lift up his shirt. If he doesn't protest you'll massage his back for him, trying to relieve some of the stress. Taylor will sigh in delight and slowly fall asleep. When he does fall asleep you'll lay beside him for the rest of the day and play with his hair.


Nash Grier: Nash doesn't usually get in a bad mood, it's very rare but luckily for you you've been around him long enough to be able to comfort whenever he is in a bad mood. What you usually do is sit down beside him and start messing with him. He'll mumble stop and try and push you away but you stay at it until he starts laughing. But, sadly for you, when gets back in a good mood he'll start tickling you.

Jack Johnson: There's not much you can do when Jack gets mad. He's quiet and he doesn't really pay attention to no one. He'll occasionally look up at you but he won't say a thing and he'll quickly look away. The thing that you usually do to cheer him up is taking his hand and leading him to his piano. You'll both sit down and you'll place his hand on the piano keys. You'll kiss his cheek and begin to sing. Jack will laugh and start playing the keys and sing along with you.

Shawn Mendes: When Shawn is having a bad day he'll lay in bed. He won't say a word or attempt to move. You'll crawl onto bed beside him and grab his hand, placing it on your lap. As he lays there in his own thoughts you'll play with his fingers and stay silent with him.


Matt Espinosa: When Matts in a bad mood it's always easy to crack a smile out of him. It's very ear for him not to smile. You'll cuddle with him on the couch and embarrassing stories that's happened to you. He always bed up cracking. Laughing uncontrollably. You just smile at him, happy that you can cause that adorable laugh.

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