Telling Mexico CA/TX

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California wanted to cook a surprise for their boyfriend, though sadly, they had no idea how to cook. So they ask Mexico.

Mexico was a kind of like a mother figure to a lot of the Spanish speaking states, she had her ups and downs but really did try her best to do what's right. Over time some states had grown an attachment to her and some of her states.

Of course the country immediately got back to California. Mexico was incredibly happy that one of her former states had asked for help, as she still feels a somewhat motherly connection California, and California has started dating someone new, who she was not aware of.

"Entonces, ¿quién es el afortunado?"

"No importa."

"¡Sí importa!"

"Él sabe cocinar y yo no, eso es todo lo que importa."

"¡pero necesito saber si tengo alguna foto de ustedes dos para una futura boda!"

The golden state stopped whatever they were doing, and turned a flushed red. He hadn't really thought about marriage, apart from when he was married, and while he knew Mexico was like this, as she was desperately hoping for California to get married, so she could give a big speech.

"No estamos planeando casarnos. Solo hemos estado saliendo durante 3 meses."

"Ay ay ay, vas a morir solo California."

Mexico was definitely part of where they got their dramatic attitude from.

"¿Cuándo me vas a decir quién es el chico?"

"Él quiere estar aquí para decírtelo. Él no quiere que te lo diga solo."

"Ahhh okay."

"Ya he dicho demasiado, no se suponía que lo supieras."

"Oooo okay!"

When the two finally finished they had made an alright meal, tacos, soups, chilaquiles, and some top notch deserts, as for some reason the Californian could bake.

For once Mexico didn't know who California was with and it was killing her. Of course she could put clues together, the food and desserts made were a mix of southern and Mexican food, so it had to be a southerner, also one who was a good cook (though they all were) and who liked Mexican food.

Then she finally put the clues together. Over the years the country had watched to of her states helplessly pine over one another and eventually both become states.

Of course. Texas. It was painfully obvious. How had she not figured it out?

Though she pretended not to know for the sake of both of them, as Texas would freak out because of how obvious it was, and California would freak out because of how things didn't perfectly follow the plan.

Eventually the southern state came home, looking very tired and hungry.

"You didn't make this on your own?"

"No Mexico helped me!"

"Thank god."

"You're so mean!"

"Yeah but you still love me."

"You guys do realize I know English and you just outed yourselves right?"


The two did know Mexico knew English but were stupid enough to forget that they had to not act like a couple until finally telling her.

"So who's the lucky guy?"

"Doesn't matter."

"It does matter!"

"He knows how to cook and I don't, that's all that matters."

"But I need to know if I have any photos of you two for a future wedding!"

"We're not planning on getting married we've only been together for 3 months."

"Ay ay ay, you're going to die alone California."

"When are you going to tell me who's the guy?"

"He wants to be here to tell you, he doesn't want me to tell you alone."

"I already told you too much, you weren't suppose to know that."

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