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Welcome to one of my first ever story in wattpad!

See You Again is based on true story except for some parts. This was some of my personal story of a guy that I had a crush on but I couldn't confess.

Now it has been years ever since. I then decided to take this as an inspiration!

I just want to let you guys know, even if you couldn't have confess to someone you like. It doesn't mean it is over, you just have to wait for someone to come to your life. It is never too late.

I decided that this story will not have any love triangle, it will just be a story about Ezra and Junghwan. That's all and I hope you enjoy it!

Things to take note:
⚡This story is half fictional and non- fictional. Please do not send any hate to anyone related to the characters in this story. I strongly do not want to see any hateful comments as I respect a healthy and lovely comment section. That's All! ⚡

TREASURE SO JUNGHWAN - "See you again"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon