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"Come in", a voice said from within the office.

Dominic enters into the meeting room. The was a long table with 7 chairs around it. Six on one side and one on the other side. Four men and two women were sitting on the chairs. Theirs arms folded or leaning on the table. They had some documents and files with them. He instantly recognised his boss sitting amongst them. More importantly, the room was cold. Very cold which is strange considering the fact that they were underground. He then notices the air conditioners that were mounted around the room and at their highest.

" Take a seat," one of the men says motioning to the isolated chair.
Dominic nods and sits down.

"We commend you on your efforts and achievements Mr. Sanchez. You have been a wonderful addition to our organization," another man says.

Dominic looks at them confused, "Sorry, but I don't recognise any of you."

His boss rolls his eyes and sighed, "Agent Sanchez, these are the board members of O. F. I. S. I. S. That man is Mr. Daniels, ", he points at the man that had spoken to him first.
" That is Mr. Miller", he says pointing at the second man and then he points at the rest, " Mr. Banks, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Hart, and lastly Mr. Secreto, the managing head and one of the founders of the organisation ".

Dom was surprised, "Wow, sorry for my behaviour earlier. The room was a bit tense and cold so I was trying to make it a bit light".
His boss glared at him and he got the signal.

" Anyways," his boss continues, " we have brought you here to discuss two major issues. "One, your suspension is over, we believe you have learnt your lesson and you won't try such reckless actions again."

"Yes sir," Dom says.

" Great! We have a mission for you and you need to start working on of immediately. "
" What is it about sir?" Dom asks.
" Piracy."
" Piracy? Like sea pirates? " Dom asks in disbelief.
"Yes and no. They do sail on ships but they also have sub's, planes, jets yatchs and more."
"Oh, a modernised pirate?"
"Yea, something like that and it has to be attended to immediately."

"Okay sir, I'll check it out but I don't think I can do it immediately. I have a kid, Toby, to look after," Dom says.

" Ah, yes. That is the second thing," Mrs. Hart says. "We have found a new foster home for little Toby."

Dominic exclaims in shock, " Sorry, What!?"

" Calm down Agent Sanchez. I know this is surprising but that doesn't give you reason to yell like that."

" Sorry ma'am," Dom says weakly.

" Why the gloomy look?" Mr. Miller asks.

Surprisingly, Mr. Secreto spoke for the first time, '' He has formed a strong bond with the child and will miss the child very deeply."

Dominic nods.

" Awn! That is so cute," Mrs. Johnson cooes.

" And to think you wanted nothing to do with the child in the first place," his boss grumbles.

" Well he can't abandon his mission, our organisation has a 'job first, emotions second' principle," Mr. Daniel says.

" I know and I understand that but I can't just cut all connections with Toby, he is like a long lost little brother I never had plus he is still grieving," Dom says.

" His grandfather's death was months ago. He ought to have stopped grieving by now," his boss says.

" And besides, you still can't put him ahead of your mission," Mr. Miller says.

Dominic sighs knowing that he wasn't going to win this argument.

" I have a better idea," Mr. Secreto says sitting up.
They all turn to look at him with surprise and expectation.
" Agent Sanchez does not have to cut off all connections with Toby. We can make Sanchez his sponsor or financer or semi-legal guardian. That way, he gets to be in touch with  Toby and provide for him from afar."

The room was silent for a few seconds.

" Thank you so much sir, that is very much appreciated sir," Dominic says with gratitude.
" Of course Dominic, but you are not permitted to contact him during missions unless extremely necessary and do not give away any vital detail, understood?" Mr. Secreto asks leaning forward on his chair.

" Yes Mr. Secreto."

" Good," he leans back, " You may go."

Dominic stands up, thanks them, give a dramatic bow and leaves.

Almost immediately Mrs. Johnson asks, " Why did you do that? "

" Do what?" Mr Secreto asks.

" You permitted him to still remain in contact with the child even though it could have an effect on him, why?"

The rest looks at him also waiting for his answer.

" Toby has a major role to play in Dominic's life and Dominic has a role to play in Toby's life. I'll leave it at that."

" It still doesn't add up, why him?" Mrs Hart asks.

" Ah, Joana, you worry too much.", he says and continues, " Fine, since you all are expecting something more tangible, I'll leave you to reason this. Why did I choose Dominic to foster Toby? Why is Dominic the one who gets this mission against the Pirates? And lastly, What does the Antonio's have to do with all this?  Think on that. Anymore questions and I'll have you deducted." He stands up and leaves.


As Dominic drove back home, he kept wondering how he will break the news to Toby. Something told him that Toby won't react well with this news. He encouraged himself though.

As soon as he steps into the house, Toby runs out, " How did it go? What was the meeting about? Hope they have finally unsuspended you?''

" Woah, slow down I'm processing my thoughts. I have news though, " Dom says

" The meeting was great, it went well and yes, I have been unsuspended."

" That's awesome!" Toby exclaims. " When is your next mission?"

" That's what I want to discuss with you," Dom says. "But first, let's celebrate. Name anywhere and we'll go there to celebrate."

They drive to one of Toby's favourite restaurant, then to the cinema and finally, they came home late at night.

Dom goes to shower, change and prepare himself to break the news to Toby.

As he walks out, he sees Toby seated on the couch holding some documents.
" Hey Toby, what's that?".
" When were you going to tell me?"
" Tell you what?"
" This!", Toby yells gesturing towards the documents, " I'm being transferred to Foster care and you didn't bother to mention it or or say anything or...or do anything about it!"

" Toby, calm down, I did plan to tell, that was what I was about to do before I saw you with the documents."

" It was at the meeting wasn't it?"
" What was?"
" They discussed your new mission and how TOBY has to go right?" Toby asks.

" Come on now Toby, you are a lot more mature than this."

" I can't believe you would actually agree to this."

" Fine! What do you want from me Toby?! Do you think I'm happy with this? Or that I want to get rid of you?! Is that what you think ?! Because I know that isn't what I think. I tried Toby, I really did. But I'm just an agent. I don't hold much sway over the board. I was able to stop them from completely separating us. Yes! They wanted me to cut off from you completely but I tried and I managed to convince them to change their minds. I still get to be in touch with you. So don't go about saying I didn't try when I actually did."

" But you didn't try hard enough Sanchez ", Toby says and walks away.

" Toby...''

" Good night Sanchez".

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