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Now seated in the cafeteria, Namjoon watched Jungkook finish his sandwich. He had told him to finish everything, and he said it so sternly that Jungkook didn't even attempt to protest.

"Would you like anything else?" Namjoon asked, "no-no, I am fine, thank you" Jungkook replied. He had a small juice box in his hands.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Namjoon asked.
"I didn't know how to, I am sorry"

"How far along are you?"
"Almost four months"

Namjoon huffed in disbelief, "where you ever going to tell me?" he asked. Jungkook didn't say anything as he kept his head down.

"I need to see your doctor". "What? no, I mean you don't have to, it's fine" Jungkook said panicking a little.

"Who is responsible? why isn't he here with you" Namjoon asked, sounding very serious and concerned.

"He had to go somewhere. But I am fine sir, you don't have to worry about me" Jungkook said.

Namjoon could feel himself get slightly annoyed at the boy, how can he not worry. "Take me to your doctor" Namjoon said.

"It's really fine-" Jungkook tried to explain but was suddenly interrupted.

"O, Jungkook, there you are. I have been looking for you" it was his doctor. Jungkook let out a defeated sigh, "now? why now?" he thought to himself.

"There was nowhere to run or hide as the doctor approached their table. "You were gone for a while, I was getting worried, how do you feel?" Jin asked when he reached the table.

"I am okay" Jungkook replied in a low voice .

Jin turned to greet the boy's guest, since he could only see his back before. "I am sorry for interrupting, I am his doctor, Doctor Kim" Jin said extending his arm towards the man.

Namjoon, who was very pleased that the doctor he wanted to see presented himself, stood up to greet the man properly.

"Nice to meet you doctor Kim, I am Kim Namjoon"

Jin's eyes went wide with glee, "you?, you are his dad!" he said excitedly, "huh, I was starting to think you weren't real" he said with a chuckle.

Namjoon looked at him confused, "dad?" he thought as he looked back at Jungkook who seemed like he was trying to sink in his seat.

"Uhm, yes, that would be me" Namjoon said shaking the doctor's hand. Him and Jungkook were going to have a very long conversation.

"I apologize for not coming earlier"

"O, that's okay, Jungkook told me you had to travel out of the country. Anyways mind if I ask, how is the adoption process going?"

Namjoon was in disbelief, just how much did Jungkook tell his doctor?

"It's going pretty well, we haven't had any issue so far" he replied with a smile. "O, that's great to hear"

"How about we speak in my office, there are somethings I need to talk to you about".

The three of them headed back to Jin's office. Jungkook was out of it, no longer listening on the conversation between the two, he was praying that floor could just swallow him where he stood. How was he going to explain all of this?.
About thirty minutes later Namjoon was still talking to the doctor, Jungkook had to leave the two alone since he needed to go for a scan.

Namjoon ended up having to take notes of the things the doctor was telling him, it was a lot. It made him think about how Jungkook had been doing on his own.

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