16: Infection

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[ thank you guys so much for 15k+ and 100 followers, I know that isn't much to you guys but idk it is for me lol! I apologize x1000 for the long wait. I was planning on updating three days after the tvd finale, but I wasn't emotionally able to do anything really, and a few days after that (the night that I was going to update) I ended up going to my sisters ( she invited my whole family over to tell us she's pregnant again, wooo :)) and I stayed there for a while, but I'm back home now, so I can update! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! ]


"What the hell, Damon! How long has she been here?" I heard Stefan whisper yell, probably trying not to wake me, but he did anyways.

"She's been here for three days." Damon stated. My eyes were just starting to flutter open, but neither of the Salvatore's realized.

"You were supposed to take her to the hospital! Jenna and Elena have been looking for her since the school Halloween party!" Stefan somewhat yelled, this time a little louder than before.

"I took her to the hospital. The surgeon did the surgery, and said she'd be fine in a few days. She'd be sore but fine. I thought she'd more fun sleeping here than at a hospital full of death." Damon shrugged, sitting at the end of the couch i was laying on.

"You do realize she is suppose to stay at the hospital so they can watch over her? Because there's a chance she can get a infection, or her stitches could rip, or -" Stefan started.

"I'm not stupid, Stefan. I am very capable of watching over her." Damon sighed, "if she gets infection or anything goes wrong, I'll take her back to the hospital."

"I don't see why you didn't just give her some blood that night, or any of the nights you've had her hidden in your room!" Stefan nearly screamed. I would have guessed that I was under a blanket, or sat right next to a heater with how warm i felt, but I wasn't.

"Are you mad that I didn't give her my blood or are you mad that she's been in my room for the last three days and you have no clue what we've done?" Damon smirked, raising his eyebrows quickly.

"What did you do with her?" Stefan rushed across the room, putting his hands around Damon's neck.

Damon grabbed Stefan's wrist and pulled his hands from his neck, "stop worrying. She's been unconscious for the most part. But it wouldn't matter if we did do something, it's not like she's your girlfriend."

Stefan pulled his wrists from Damon's hands. "I'm gonna go tell Elena that her sister isn't dead."

"You do that." Damon nodded, then looked at me, realizing my eyes slightly open. "Well, hey."

"You know, if you were nicer to more than just me then people wouldn't hate you." I sighed, my voice weak.

"What's the fun in being nice?" He smirked, "how do you feel?"

"Like I got stabbed." I huffed, attempting to sit up, but failing. "How long was I asleep?"

"Since you got out of surgery, really. You only woke up a few times to pee." He stated.

"Oh." I squinted, "did you -"

"I helped you into the bathroom, yes, but you peed all by yourself, and when you were done, I helped you back into bed." Damon laughed. "I even changed the bandaging on your stomach, which was disgusting."

"Thank you." I smiled slightly, before looking at my stomach. I lifted up the t-shirt, which was Damon's, and peeled off the bandaging. I just wanted to see what the stitches looked like, I'd never had them before.

I cringed at the 18 stitches starting just above my bellybutton, and ending just before my boobs. There was a light red/dark pink color around every stitch. "I'm not a doctor or anything, but I don't think this is supposed to be so red."

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