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Yuta: Its your last class

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Yuta: Its your last class.

Jihwa: Yeah...

She said in a low voice. Of course he only saw her as a student who needed his help. There was no way he would see her differently. She was just another brat, since he called all his students that.

Jihwa: But i have not reached the four minute goal though...

Yuta: I know. But you will pass. I am sure of it.

Jihwa: What's the exam pattern?

Yuta: Sorry honey, but i am not going that far. Now. Here is your bomb. I am giving you five minutes.

Jihwa: F-Five?!

Yuta: Yes. Five. And i won't hold the control button in my arm.

Jihwa: What?! You want us to die? This is suicide dude!

Yuta: Dude?

Jihwa: Ugh- Not the point!

Yuta: Well then... it seems like you need to save us then. Go.

He pressed the button and threw the controller away. Jihwa's eyes widened as she realized he wasn't joking. She could hear the time ticking and quickly rushed to the bomb.


When Yuta threw the controller away he saw the panic in her eyes and thought, maybe it was a bad idea. If she was going to forget the first lesson then the two were sure to be dead. 

But the moment the younger got in front of the bomb she took a deep breath with closed eyes. She spent five seconds like that before opening them and quickly scanning the bomb wires. Yuta, curiously bend down to her level and watched how her face formed a slight frown, her eyebrows furrowed and tongue sticking at the corner of her lips as she worked on the bomb.

She was calm. Very calm. 

A smiled tugged on the male's lips, knowing that she was ready. Two minutes were quick to pass and she had managed to disable three wires to create more room for inspection and getting out the main wire. 

Unlike bombs shown in movies, his bombs had wires of the same colours. In the mafia world, no one wants to get away with things easily. So it was common to find wires of the same colour, usually the colour of the gang to signify who did it so that the ones to die would know who were killing them.

That made the diffusing harder in this school. 

So watching Jihwa work on it, was a sight really. She had that passionate flame in her eyes as she reached for one final wire and snapped it in two. 

The beeping stopped, the room going dead silent. Jihwa sighed and turned, looking right at Yuta. Shock was evident in her face because he was seated close to her. Way closer than ever before.

Jihwa: Yuta san?

He flinched out of his thoughts and gave her a questioning look. She smiled and pointed at the time. He looked over to see the digital timer read, 00:53. A little over four minutes. 

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