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A/n: I have double updated! Please read Chapter 14 before this!

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A/n: I have double updated! Please read Chapter 14 before this!

Sohyun: So... You see that black glass up there? 

Everyone looked up including Jihwa who was still too shocked. It was her first exam and it already looked complicated enough. But she wasn't the only one. Looking around even the others seemed curious with the exam pattern.

Sohyun: Your evaluators are up there. So do your best and try your everything, to not blow up this place. 

She smiled and then turned to the course.

Sohyun: As you can see, three identical courses. I will have three of you go at a time. The rest can decide if they decide to stay or not. But make sure you be around here. So how this works is you start with a simple puzzle. Second you will move out and have a little task of choice. Be careful during that i advice you. Last you have to obviously do bomb diffusion.

Her smile was suspicious but Jihwa was not very focused on it.

Sohyun: You will choose a chit. According to the level you get, you will be diffusing that kind of bomb. You will chose a chit now. While you complete the first two tasks we will have it set up for you.

She brought out her iPad. 

Sohyun: Alright! Good luck third years! First up, Jiyeon, Jaejun and... Jihwa!

Songhwan: Ooh triple J!

But Jihwa wasn't sharing the excitement of her classmates. She was a nervous wreck and she felt like she could pee her pants. 

Sohyun: Come on three of you.

Jihwa slowly stepped forward. 

Sohyun: Alphabetically. Jaejun. Come on.

The male took a chit from the bowl, handing it to the teacher.

Sohyun: Level 4.

Jaejun: haha!

Sohyun: Go on. Station 1.

The male went forward and Sohyun looked at the nervous wreck.

Sohyun: Jihwa.

The girl met her eyes. Sohyun seemed familiar to her. The name seemed familiar to her. But she couldn't place her finger on it.

Sohyun: Pick.

Jihwa hesitantly put her hand in the bowl, taking a chit out.

Sohyun: Level nine.

The room feel silent and Jihwa swore she could hear her heartbeat over the silence.

Sohyun: Station 2.

Jihwa gulped but made it to the door. 

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