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Yuta's hand clutched tightly onto his cup

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Yuta's hand clutched tightly onto his cup.

Sicheng: Someone's jealous.

Yuta: You know what? I hate how you all address me with someone.

Sicheng: I never said it was about you.

He said tossing a sweet into his mouth with a teasing smile. Yuta just rolled his eyes as he faced the girl's assessment again. She had entered the file room and straight up punched the man in the nose. A snicker left Yuta's mouth.

Yuta: Well deserved.

Doyoung: If i didn't know you better i would think you liked her.

Jaehyun: Then maybe you don't know him. 

The two stood on either side of Yuta, somehow making him feeling cornered.

Yuta: Remind me why they have all the teachers here for assessment.

Jaehyun: We need to see what all potential the students have.

Sicheng: And as far as i can see, she has potential to be a seducer.

Yuta: What?

Sicheng: True words spoken.

He chuckled to himself and watched Jiyeon's performance. Yuta sighed.

Doyoung: Oh my god, you do like her.

Yuta: What? No!

Jaehyun: Sure my man. Should i remind you of how you knocked at my door at 2 in the morning asking about Jihwa?

Doyoung: You did what?

Yuta: I thought that would stay between us.

He forcefully shifted his eyes to Jaejun who was still stuck at the second phase, having chosen to write the exam instead.

Doyoung: Are you not going to explain yourself?

Yuta: Is there any explaining needed?

Doyoung: she is like a sister to me-

Yuta: Honestly speaking she doesn't seem to be liking any of the both of you and Taeyong. Now if you don't mind, i have evaluating to do.

He walked a bit to the side but he could still hear the other two.

Doyoung: I swear to-

Jaehyun: He is not wrong you know.

Doyoung: You can't be serious Jae.

Jaehyun: No matter what anyone says hyung... we were not there for her... we looked for her... but not hard enough... and now we are not what we were to her before. We can never be that again. Not until she forgives us.


What Jihwa was not expecting was, finishing with the test and ranking first. She heard the whispers. People thought she cheated, probably did something to Yuta, any rumours that really did degrade Jihwa's reputation. 

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